Middle Class Battle

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Next was the middle-class battle, Audrey and Ling now wearing change clothes went to start their challenge. They had chosen Wackxxy and Yoojin's choreo for Swipe. Azure sat next to Kirsten as they all waited for the challenge to start. It was Wackxxy and Yoojin versus Wolflo unnies.

Azure had saw that one of the unnies had made a mistake but overall, they did good. Wackxxy and Yoojin did well also. Next was Lady Bounce duo and BEBE duo. They did well also. Azure didn't have anything bad to say about them. Middle class had amazing dancers. Azure had drunk some water as they called Audrey and Ling down to the stage, they face 1Million duo.  

"Let's go Ling! Audrey!" Azure yelled now sitting next to Kirsten. The team shout encouragement to them as they dance before it was the next group turn. Azure had looked at Tsubakill, who had infused their own moves into the dance. She could tell Wackxxy and Yoojin was mad that they had mostly change their dance.

The judges had chosen Tsubakill and Mannequeen along with Ling and Audrey and also the 1Million duo. 

Tsubakill against Manne Queen and then it was Audrey and Ling vs the 1Million duo.

Kirsten told Ling to use her face. Azure clapped for the girls as they hurried to the stage. Once their dancing was done, Azure clapped again. The judges choose Wackxxy and Yoonjin as main dancer. Azure comforted the girls as they came back. Everyone listened to the judges talk. Azure still thought in her head. 

"If you going to change the choreo at least make sure you win." Azure harshly thought.

A/N: This one very very short because I wanted the music video to have its own chapter. 

Still need unaired battlers from any team and then we will do the same process again as the others.

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