Wolflo vs Deep N Dap (Elimination Battle)

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Everyone went to the elimination stage as they watch Wolflo come out. They had an audience surrounding them. Deep N Dap finally entered garnering cheers from the audience too. Azure and the girls watch the two teams each say their peace. Round one of the elimination battles between teams.

They played spin the bottle. Deep N Dap was going first then Wolflo was going second. Once Deep N Dap started dancing, they used nun chucks as their hidden prop. Azure nodded her head as she started getting hype at the battle. Next was Wolflo, who used spin ribbon. Azure was hyping up her Unnies.

"Let's Go!!" Azure cheered.

Deep N Dap won the first battle. Azure clapped while cheered before Daniel announced the next round. Mina had chosen Locker Zee and Wolflo had chosen Chocol. Locker Zee went first; she was bringing out all the theatrics and extraness. Chocol went next as she was bringing her all too. The match was overall amazing. They waited for the judges to pick the winner.

Azure had cup her hand to her ear as she heard them crown Wolflo the winner of the match.

"Let's go!" Azure yells as she clapped.

                                                                           1 to 1

Round 3 was another 1 on 1 match. Wolflo chose Mini and Deep N Dap chose JJ. Everyone laughed at JJ, who was crazy. Everyone waited for the song to start. Azure cheered Mini unnie on as she looked at the dancing. Jj went next, dancing to treat me by Chloe. She had the energy, but the dance moves didn't meld right with the song. Azure thought she should've chosen the chorus because that where most of the bats was at. Once JJ was done, they waited to see who the winner was. The girls started talking among themselves about who the judges would choose. The judges chose Wolflo which was no surprised. JJ just didn't do enough with the song, or she should've done a whole another song.

                                                                             2 to 1

Azure clapped happy that Wolflo now might win this. JJ ran to hug Mini, who hugged her back with all of Wolflo hugging her too. Everyone awed as Wolflo hugged JJ. The next round was a whole group battle. Everyone clapped welcoming Wolflo and Deep N Dap back to the elimination ring. Most of the team members change their clothes. The battle got ready to start. Wolflo going first as Azure cheered as she rocks with the song. They waited for Deep N Dap to go. They waited for Deep and Dap to go. They brought the energy dancing to Kendrick Lamar. Azure thought that they should've brought this energy to the missions. This energy would've kept them on their toes.

They waited to see who would win. The judges pick Deep N Dap. One more match to determine, who would win. They were tied now.

                                                                               2 to 2

Azure took a drink of her bottled water, as they chose the next battler. Deep N Dap chose Locker Zee again and Wolflo chose Babysleek. Azure cheered as she put her bottle down. Azure cheered Baby sleek on as she dances after Locker Zee. Baby sleek was doing very well. Once she was dance, Azure clapped for her. They waited to see who would win. The judges chose Babysleek.

                                                                                3 to 2

Everyone clapped for Locker Zee, showing her a lot of support. They listened to what the judges had to say before they announced the next battle 2 vs 2. Deep N Dap chose JJ and Locker Zee and Wolflo chose Haechi and Yeni Cho. They all watched the intense battle before JJ and Locker Zee won. Azure liked the matched. Her and the girls also jammed out to some Michael Jackson.  Now it was tied up.

                                                                                   3 to 3

They now had to do another round. Deep N Dap was putting up a fight, Azure was liking that. Now it was time for the leaders to battle. Azure and the girls clapped as Halo started. She had the energy and was using her space wisely. Next was Mina, who just like Halo came out with the energy. Azure felt proud for the both of them.

The teams waited to see who was going to win. Wolflo won. 

                                                                                    4 to 3

Azure clapped for her unnies with a proud look on her face. Deep N Dap was now leaving. Azure felt bad for them. She hated that based on the elimination battles; they weren't giving their all as everyone else. She sadly smiled as everyone wanted to comfort the girls. They listened to each member of Deep N Dap speak. Most of the team members in other teams was crying. After the speech, all the groups went to hug Deep N Dap. Azure hugged most of the members. her giving encouragements to Downy. They had spoken about the sub-leader mission also. Deep N Dap left going back to their room to hangout before they have to leave. Even if they lost, they left feeling accomplished. 


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Jam Republic and the other teams sat in chairs as they face a stage. They talk among themselves before a song was played. Azure didn't know who it was as a woman now standed up on the stage.

"Who is that." Azure says.

"That's Hwasa. She's a soloist." Ling replied.

"Oh." Azure hummed.

Azure could tell that the other teams were happy to see her. Azure listened to Hwasa, she congratulated them for surviving and that now they had a new mission. The teams had to make a choreo for her new song. The song began as Azure listened to it. Azure was already thinking of movements. As she pretended to fan herself on beat. Only Kirsten could tell her thinking face.

"Already making the dance moves up huh." Kirsten said. 

"Oh yeah. We're going to need to do some research." Azure smiled.

Azure would have to study the person that she was like in performance wise and etc. Halo had called out 1Million because they had made a few dances for Hwasa before. Azure had oo'd her comment. Since TikTok is one of the biggest parts now. Azure would only hope her, and Kirsten mind could come up with is going to be amazing.

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