Azure Reigns get called on by her old friend Kristen Dodgens about performing together again at a Korean variety show in a group with several others handpicked girlies. Along the way she shows why she was the secret weapon back when they were younge...
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The next day, Azure and the girls got ready for their Kpop mission performance. Her makeup artist that she learns was named Mi-Cha, perfectly did her makeup. Her and Mi-cha joke around as she did her make-up. Once she was done, Azure turns around to face the camera with a quick smile and wink as her and Emma played around on camera.
Now it was time for the Kpop mission to begin. Azure waited with the girls as they watch. Daniel on the screen, announcing that they had a special guest for this mission.
Bae Yoon-Jung
The first section to perform is Deep N Dap and Lady Bounce. Deep N Dap was the first group to go first in the section.
Azure and the girls watch as Deep N Dap perform. Azure thought they did good. Once they were done, the girls clapped for them. Azure nodded as they waited for Lady Bounce to go next. Lady Bounce went next.
Azure had potted that Biggy had made a small mistake but wasn't as noticeable. Once they were done, both groups came up to receive the winner status. Lady Bounce had won the SM section. It was time for JYP section. Tsubakill vs. BEBE.
Azure wrapped her arm around a pillow in the room as they waited to see the first group.
~ Flashback~
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They were there when they had the showoff, what they came up with so the other group could copy it. Azure had sat behind Latrice as they watch Tsubakill throw in acrobatics to compete against BEBE. When they all had come together to see a start of it. They had cheered for BEBE Tatter, who had a hard time doing the acrobatics.