• Fresh Start •

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TW: this book is slightly gruesome and involves other stuff. also I think I mess up which slave belongs to who in this book a few times just ignore that

I rustled in my pocket looking for my keys and soon they were in the doors lock twisting and turning until it opened up into my new home for the next few years.

It was a small apartment that my parents and I had put in money for me to afford it. I've always wanted to live in Germany I could speak their language and me and my parents would visit every year without fail when I was younger but just a few years ago we stopped going as my dad lost his job and we couldn't afford to go.

My mum became depressed as she retired early on in life and couldn't get a job to keep our family going and my dad started to smoke and drink more and now only had a job working at a small shop down the road and never payed him much money. So I had all this pressure that I had to be the one to keep our family going as to why I moved to Germany cause it also had better income.

The apartment was 1 bedroom 1 bathroom but was quite large. It had high ceilings and wooden flooring along with marble countertops and white cabinets. I looked around a little in awe, my bedroom was a good size and the living room and kitchen were

The house came with a white bed frame and mattress then some cutlery and plates and stuff. I just needed food. It was half 11 at night but a girl is hungry and I needed food anyway.

I grabbed my keys and bag and left the house locking the door behind me. I walked down the stairs of the building to the double doors pushing them open and leaving. My car was gonna be delivered in 2 days so I just had to walk. It was being shipped from the uk to Germany but it got delayed so now I have a few days without transport.

Walking at half eleven at night kind of scared me I mean it was really fucking dark and god knows how many perverts live around this area. Especially cause my shorts I was wearing were really short and my jumper covered them up making me look naked.

I looked around me worriedly, I was not planning on getting raped tonight I just wanted a pot noodle. My jumper was covering my hand and I bit the cotton nervously. My sliders scrapped across the concrete before I felt a slight tap on my shoulder causing me to jump round.

*Toms POV*

"She's fit"

"You want that one?"


"No your right she is fit"

"So your jealous then"

"Tom I would never steal a girl from you"

"You better not"

Bill gets on my nerves sometimes especially when he try's to take stuff that is mine. She might not know she's mine but she will soon. I needed a new slave and she was perfect. She had perfect curves and a big enough ass her tits were amazing and she had a sexy looking face I mean what more could you ask for.

"Well let's go get her then"

"Bill..." I stuck my hand out in front of him.
"You know the business we can't just take her, you never know who she's related to"

"Your worried she's related to the kritanta gang?"

"She could be working for them you never know bill"

"Okay okay why don't you...." He threw his hands up a little showing he was annoyed and clueless.
"Hit on her or smth"

"Good idea" I began to walk closer to her bill slapped his face with the palm of his hand.

*Alanas POV*

"Sorry didn't mean to make u jump"

"It's okay don't worry about it"

"I'm Tom" he stuck out his hand and I shook it before looking back at his eyes I mean they were gorgeous a deep brown.

"I'm Alana" he nodded and smiled before carrying on the conversation

"I've never seen you around and I'm sure I would have remembered you" I blushed a little causing him to reply with a smirk

"I just moved today, in an apartment down the road"

"I'm guessing from the uk? You have a cute accent"

"Yeah I speak German to though so"

"Du siehst heute abend sehr sexy aus"

"Du siehst selbst nicht schlecht aus" he began to laugh and so did I

"Did you move here with anyone?"

"No, just looking for better jobs"

*Toms POV*

"Ohhh okay" I looked deep in her eyes she was truely stunning I was just thinking about all the things I could do to her. She was perfect.

Her brown hair rested delicately on her shoulders and her eyes were like the ocean. But let's be real I only cared about ass and tits and she passed that test.

"Okay well I'll see you around" I began to back up and she smiled a little giving me a nod and a goodbye back. I walked off and so did she.

*Alanas POV*

Well he was nice and super hot. I was fucking hoping I'd see him around omg what a breath taker. He was polite, handsome, big dick ofc I looked. I'd only spoke to him once how am I already this obsessed.

I watched my shoes as I walked to the shops. My eyes a little tired from the jet lag but as soon as I finished a bowl of pasta I was going tf to bed

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