• Jealousy •

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I got up from my sleep rubbing my eyes slightly. I was still exhausted but now that I'm awake ain't no way I'm getting back to sleep.

I looked at tom and he was fully passed out snoring and all. I laughed a little before getting out of bed. I grabbed the blanket that was next to me and wrapped myself in it before heading downstairs.

It was only Carrie and Izzy in the kitchen. They were giggling whilst making their breakfast. I walked in the kitchen and they ran up to me pulling me into a hug.

"Alana, babe do you want breakfast?" Carrie asked. I nodded whilst yawning using my hand to cover my mouth.

"You fucked yet?" Izzy randomly asked and I looked at her confused. She laughed and I carried on talking.

"No, I don't want to yet"

"Ur a virgin." Izzy said

"how tf u knowww" I said and carrie began to laugh at us as she popped some toast in the toaster

"I can just tell" I looked at her defended and she giggled

"Jokes, but such a badass move saving ur virginity for a murderer" Izzy replied and I smirked.

"Well that's the reason I'm not sure if I want to have sex w him"

"Girl we all start somewhere and I can tell this your place to" she said and I nodded along.
"Also ever since you been around, toms mood and behaviour has been so different"

I tilted my head confused.

"I know, he used to start bonfires in the back garden and hang the girls over them like they were his fucking forest rations" I gasped.

"Why is he obsessed with burning people" I asked

"I don't know, but girl if you can change his attitude please try change his lifestyle, cause wtf" Carrie turned around and looked at me with pleading eyes after hearing Izzy speak and I began to laugh.

"Speaking of the fucking devil" Carrie said looking behind me, I turned around and saw Tom walking down the stairs.

I wrapped the blanket tighter round my body before Tom signalled me to stand up so I did before he sat down and placed me on his left knee placing his hand on my hips.

Carrie passed my toast over that was smothered in marmite. I took a bite and offered Tom some he declined before talking to the girls.

"Where's sally then, I thought u three were like fucking glue" he said placing his free hand on the table. Wow that dug deep. I knew he had some sort of liking for Sally and the fact he was thinking an the first thing when he woke up was not what is wanted to hear 

"Sleeping, did u hear her and bill last night, god" Izzy said and Carrie agreed.

"I genuinely couldn't sleep until they were done" carrie explained and Tom laughed a little smirking. I just pulled my blanket up over my shoulders eating my toast.

"Ahh look who it is" Izzy said and me and Tom turned our heads as Sally strutted down the stairs with her pyjamas at her waist. I turned around a kiddy expression on my face.

"Had fun last night?" Carrie asked

"Guys shut up" she said smirking.

She walked past them opening a high cupboard. She was on her toes as she grabbed some cereal. She turned back towards us smiling and slightly nodded her head. Carrie and Izzy giggled and Tom chuckled smiling as he watched them talking.

"Give us the fucking details then" Izzy said and Sally turned her head towards Tom clearly signalling for him to go.

"I'm not allowed to listen?" Tom asked

"He's ur fucking brother Tom" Sally said and Tom chuckled. He didn't move and stayed put.

"Fine, we will go talk about it in the lounge, Alana you coming?" Sally asked and I shook my head.

"Tell me about it later" I said and they nodded leaving the room.

I looked back at my food taking another bite from my toast finishing it up. I pushed the plate away from me and turning back to Tom.

"You were well quiet when they were talking" I shrugged and he looked at me confused.

"Alana I can tell somethings up" he replied and I just shook my head.
"Tell me"

"What if I don't want to" I said and he gave me a dirty look.

"Alright fucking hell, you have an attitude" I looked at him in disgust.

"What you just say to me" I asked getting up all in his business.

"You. Have. An. Attitude." He said and I jumped at him pushing his off the chair landing on the floor with a loud smack.

I began to lunch him in the face and he did the same back. We were rolling around, both drawing blood. Suddenly bill walked down the stairs yawning slightly. He looked at us and grunted.

"Why is it me walking in on u guys fighting. I'm going to end up just leaving u two to kill each other at some point" he grabbed at toms shirt pushing him off me.

"Stop fighting, I mean it" I looked at tom with a sorry face, he smiled at me before I jumped into his arms.

He placed his hands under my ass, giving me a quick peck. He began to guide us to the lounge. Bill rolled his eyes as we left the room.

"And then he put his dick in my ass and-"

"Leave" Tom said as he placed me on the couch next to sally. He began kissing my lips.

Sally got up with Izzy and Carrie and began to walk out the room. Sally frowned sadly at us before leaving, who does this bitch think she is-

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