• Smashed Glass •

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It was around midnight and I was brushing my teeth. I was exhausted, today was crazy, what Neil said was crazy. I was trying to get it out of my head cause it made me feel sick.

He was skanks.

I was thinking about how protective Tom was today and why it was low key hot. But no. He raped me, get over him. I literally can't, he is really fit, I said that from the beginning. he raped me tho, and beat me, and kidnapped me. It's so confusing I just need sleep.

I spat my toothpaste out and walked out of the bathroom. Tom was getting into bed, shirtless and he stared at me as I walked up to the bed. He smirked but I just decided to ignore him.

"Thanks for getting me out of having sex w Neil today" I said and he laughed.

"It's okay, I could tell you felt uncomfortable when he started moaning his own name" and I giggled as we both layed down facing each other with the duvet over our body's. "You're so pretty" he said and I smiled.

"Yeah well your well ugly" I said and he gently hit me round the head and I laughed before he grabbed my waist and brung me up to his chest.

Ik he raped me and I shouldn't really be cuddling with my rapist but it's fine, I'll go back to hating him tmrw maybe.


Me, bill, tom, georg and Gustav walked down the basement steps to all the girls layed on the floor. We watched as georg and Gustav walked to the corner of the room untying an unconscious girl and putting her in a body bag.

The girl looked familiar but I couldn't quite tell where I knew her from.

"Starvation?" Bill looked down at a girl in front of him.

She slowly nodded and he smirked kicking her in the stomach. Her fragile bones looked like they would snap any second.

"Slave 13, Tia Smith, died of starvation, 1st September 2023, how long ago was this?" It was Tia, omg I looked over at angles waving slightly she smiled at me with a sad expression.

"About...2 h-hours ago" a girl with ginger hair said bill smiled and looked at the clock on the wall

"1st of September 2023, at 1.00pm" he wrote it down on his phone and Tom nodded along.

Georg and Gustav moved the body bag up the stairs and outside the front door before rushing back down to the basement.

All of them apart from Tom started analysing each girl, their hips, tits, ass, face, before all picking one and untying them.

"Which one are u having Tom?" Georg asked and Tom shook his head.

"I don't want one"

"You don't want to have sex with one of the slaves tonight?" Bill asked and He shook his head. Georg looked at him shocked.

"Anyways just take ur slaves and shag tge life out of them" he shooed them off and they all grabbed their girls by the wrist and dragging them up stairs.

I rushed to Angela and gave her a hug, she smiled into my skin and I put my forehead against hers.

"Girl are you okay?" I said and she nodded with the smile still on her face a few tears roll down her cheeks.

I could hear toms foot steps come up from behind me. I didn't care I wanted to see if Angela was all right. She was the first girl I met who shared the same experience as me and she was awfully kind to me. So because of that i didn't want her to be upset.

"Alana, what the fuck are you doing with a slave" he said and I looked up at him frowning.

"I'm seeing if she's alr, her friend just fucking died" I said and he looked me up and down.

TRAPPED || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now