• Neck Kisses •

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A few hours later tom opened the bedroom door and he walked in with a plate of food. I looked at him confused tear stains on my cheeks. why the fuck is he being nice.

"I thought you starved people"

"Not the main 4, we don't want to be have sex with bony old ugly girls"

I nodded and began to eat my food as Tom just stared at me eating. I tried to ignore it and eat my food but I could feel his eyes ingrave into my head.

"I have some jobs u need to do once ur done and if you refuse you will be facing consequences" he said and I grunted causing his to slap me across the face.

I took my hand up to my cheek and held it whilst it grew red and hot. A stingy pain shot through making me wince.

"First you have to clean the plates from dinner and after you need to help Amy clean out the trash, you will meet Sally later"

I nodded and ate up the rest of my food before Tom nodded me towards the door, clearly telling me to go start the jobs. I grabbed the plate and began to walk out the room looking back to see him staring at my ass. Filthy pervert.


I walked down 2 huge elegant staircases resting my hand on the banister as I reached the bottom. I walked into the kitchen with modern marble counters and black cupboards this house was very matte black vibes. I saw 3 girls chatting away. When they spotted me they all went quiet. I let a small smile creep on my face as I began to walk to the sink to wash up.

One of the girls with long wavy brown hair walked up to me bringing me into a hug.

"Omg you must be Alana" she said and I nodded

"I'm Izzy" she said pulling away and smiling at me I greeted her before she carried on talking

"I'm Georgs girl, your toms right?" She asked and I nodded

"Lucky" a blonde girl said who was leaning across the island in the middle of the kitchen.
"He's really fit, I know he's a murderous raping lunatic but he could rape me any day" she said as Izzy slapped her arm causing her to shrug and I laughed a little.

"Sally you can't say that" said a red headed girl next to her.

"I'm Sally btw" she said sticking her hand out which I took and shook.

"And I'm Carrie" the red headed one said walking round the counter to give me a hug.

"And thanks so much for replacing Emma. Omfg that girl was jarring af" Carrie said and I laughed. Sally and Izzy nodded their heads in agreement

"Assuming that's toms old 'main girl'" they laughed a little before nodding.

"What jobs has he gotten you to do?" Sally asked getting out of her chair and joining me and the others on the other side of the island.

"Dishes then take the trash out with you" I nudged my head towards her and she smiled.

"It takes ages to take the trash out, you have to go to every room, empty every bin, walk all the way to the gate and leave it outside." She complained

"Great" I said sarcastically

"Would you like us to help with dishes?" Izzy asked and I nodded.

A few minutes later we had a solid system Carrie and me clean the dishes Izzy drys them and Sally puts them away.

"Doesn't this man have a fucking dishwasher, isn't he rich or smth" I said and Carrie laughed a little.

"He does but he says that he needs to get good use out of us" Izzy said and I rolled my eyes

"Fucking hell" I said


After a while me and sally made our way round the house.

"How did you get here?" I asked her and her smile dropped

"Tom seduced me cause like I said he is fit so obvs i flirted back and soon we were having sex in his room"

"Talking about our sex?" A familiar voice said we turned to the right and Tom was waking up to us smirking. Sally nodded and Tom kissed her neck roughly

WTF IM RIGHT HERE CANT THEY DO THIS SOMEWHERE ELSE. Also thought I was his main girl why he kissing another girl? Tbh don't think he cares.

"Yk you can't do that bill will get mad" she said giggling

"Yk that I could beat bill in a fight" he whispered in her ear but loud enough for me to hear. I grimaced a little and Tom noticed.

"You jealous?" He asked coming towards me resting his hands on my ass and sucking on my neck making me moan slightly. I pushed him off and he looked at me with a smirk.

"We would make a fucking good threesome" he said and Sally nodded quickly, this girl was desperate for any sort of sexual interaction with this man and it was showing.

"Maybe another night" he winked at us and slapping both our asses as he turned around. sally started to jump up and down.

"Did you hear that?" She squealed and I nodded
"He wants to have a threesome with us, oh you have to do it, he won't do it if your not there please I beg"

"I'll think about it" she silently yelled excitedly as she carried on walking around the house emptying all the bins.

With the amount of sex these guys have, I haven't seen a lot of condoms, ain't no way I'm getting raped or having sex with one of these guys without a condom. Sorry but I ain't being a mother.

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