• Stalker •

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*Toms POV*

"so is she living alone?" bill asked with his head slightly tilted. I nodded

"We need to follow her home, she kind of gave me a slight idea of where she lives but I don't know which house"

"What did she say?" Gustav chirped in

"Down the street but there's many houses down the street"

"Okay we can just wait in the car until she walks past again and then we will follow her"

"Okay everyone in the car before she gets back" I ordered everyone and they did as they were told.

We were now in the car with me in the drivers seat bill in passenger and Gustav and georg in the back. I kept looking through the rear view window checking to see if she was there but she never was.

"Tom why do u even need a new girl, Emma is perfectly fine"

"She's boring me now and so are the others"

"Oh my god" bill said shaking his head a little.

"What? What do you mean 'oh my god' don't you dare have attitude with me you dick"

"Alright calm down, do you want a beer?" I nodded and he looked at georg who passed him a glass bottle from the foot pit infront of him. Bill passed me a bottle opener and soon I took a long sip of the fresh cold beer.

"Oh there she is" I said pointing behind me and they all stopped what they were doing to look. we watched her get closer before I turned back to face in front of me and so did the rest.

She walked past the car with a bag of groceries in her hand. I watched her hips move as she walked and I admired her body as she looked down at her phone in front of her. She had her headphones in which was good so she won't hear our car moving behind her.

"Okay go, go ,go" bill said and I started the car slowly following behind her.

She turned a corner and so did I. She walked a little before she walked through a front garden and up some steps grabbing her keys out her pocket. She opened the door and stepped in shutting it behind her.

I was in front of the flats watching her ass as she entered the building. I looked up and saw a living room light turn on that must be her flat. I turned to bill and a smile grew on his face.

"We will come back tmrw night" he said and I agreed by nodding before starting the car back up and driving at rapid speed down the street.

*Alanas POV*

I placed my keys down on the kitchen side before I put the bag on the island placed between the kitchen and living room. I had enough food to last around 2-3 days which was fine for now.

I took the pasta out the bag and the sauce then looked around for a saucepan. I found one in a high cupboard next to the fridge. I took it out and filling it with water from the black tap. I placed it on the hob and turning it on letting the water boil for a few minutes.

I opened the Lumache pasta and poured it into the boiling hot water. I grabbed the tomato pasta sauce putting it in the microwave to heat for a bit. When the pasta was ready I put it in a pasta bowl and pure stage sauce on top before grating some cheddar cheese on top.

I sat in my room eating my pasta and watching Netflix before I finished up putting the bowl in the sink and heading to bed.

TRAPPED || Tom KaulitzKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat