Pirates - 4

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a long awaited update!!!! there are some very hefty warnings for this fic!! 

some of the minor warnings are:

depressive spiral on cross's part, where he isolates himself, leading to him not eating
PTSD and flashbacks (which entail some worse scenes that would fall under the major warnings)
cross panics twice; first time isn't described, but second time features a lot of trauma flashes and memories
he throws up during the second panic attack

some major warnings!!

mentions/descriptions of extreme homophobia, some toxic/hateful use of religious scriptures
minor character death/s
violence towards LGBT people (two men killed, hung, and burned because they were lovers)
some mentions/descriptions of past violence

if you are sensitive, i HEAVILY recommend reading with caution!! this is the only warning you'll get, and if you proceed, that is your choice! I'm not responsible for what content you consume, and by warning you, i'm giving you the chance to avoid unsavory content!!

now, without further ado!!! pirates chapter four <3

[2,835 words | Warnings: depression, homophobia, lynching/hanging, panic attacks / PTSD, violence, minor character death/s | read with caution ]


Nightmare took Cross out of his room after two days of moping. Took, as in he threw open the door, grabbed him by the waist, and dragged him onto the ship deck.

Cross swore aggressively, his face burning with embarrassment as the captain hauled him into the sunlight. Nightmare was entirely unfazed by the thrashing and cursing, though the commotion drew other attention. Cross was horrified to hear chuckles and snickering from the crew, his face flushing darker with shame.

The world went topsy-turvy and suddenly Cross was on the floor, his pelvis aching from being dropped roughly. He didn't sit and gripe over it, though, scrambling to his feet and putting distance between himself and Nightmare.

"What the fuck was that for!"

Nightmare scoffed, tentacles flicking as he snapped back, "You were being pathetic. What else was I to do? Leave you be, and let you rot in your bed?"

Cross snarled, but said nothing else, because his only other response was to say yes. That's exactly what he wanted to happen.

Something must've shown on his face, because Nightmare seemed angrier when he spoke again.

"No, Cross. The response to that is no. Now, cast your ridiculous thoughts aside and go eat. Don't think I have not noticed your lack of eating."

Cross grimaced. He's honestly been unable to stomach the idea of eating, much less stomach actual food, feeling sick every time he'd thought about it. Not that he would tell that to Nightmare.

He bared his teeth another moment, defensive, but all the fight drained from him as Nightmare finally raised his voice.

"Go! I will not tell you again!"

The shout set loose an old fear that wiped out Cross's anger, cowing him quickly, though he kept up his defiant expression.

"Fine. Fine!" His soul threatened to thump out of his chest, pounding with adrenaline. Cross turned and stormed away, making straight for the storage rooms.

"And Cross?" He stiffened, his breath hitching as he froze. Nightmare's voice was softer again, yet still firm.

"Come find me once you are done. That is an order. Now go."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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