In a dimly lit corridor, she passed Gray, being dragged by two tough-looking guards. "Come on, Gray, just a few more steps," the guards urged, their faces filled with sympathy as Gray stumbled along. His suit was torn at the back, and wounds covered his entire back, caked in blood. Dark circles under his eyes and bruises on his jaw and face indicated the abuse he had endured. Zoe, witnessing this scene, intervened, stopping the guards in their tracks. "Escort Gray to my private quarters, please, and alert the Head Nurse," she commanded, her voice firm. The guards were relieved that Gray was finally receiving the care he deserved.

In Zoe's bedroom, Gray hardly spoke as the nurse tended to his wounds. He remained emotionless, not flinching even once. "Gray," Zoe began, but he cut her off with a muttered thanks and left abruptly, leaving Zoe open-mouthed and teary-eyed.

The next day, Gray returned as Zoe's bodyguard, and she implored him to rest more. He exploded, revealing the horrors he had endured the previous night. "Zoe, I was whipped all night and couldn't sleep a wink. I can't sleep now because my wounds are too sore and still bleeding, and because I have nightmares, okay?" He immediately regretted his outburst and apologized. It was the first time Zoe had ever seen him angry. "Gray..." Zoe felt terrible, realizing that she had made Gray feel this way every day with her anger. Tears streamed down her face, and Gray's smile faded. He looked broken. Embracing Zoe, he mumbled, "What's wrong, Zoe?" Zoe pulled away from his grasp, and Gray gasped in pain, catching himself on a nearby table. He brushed the hair that had fallen into his eyes, revealing the extent of his injuries. Zoe gasped, "Gray?" "I'm fine," Gray replied, panting heavily through the pain, his eyes clenched shut. He carefully examined his wounds with a precision only known through experience, and Zoe dared not think about what that meant. She watched Gray for several minutes as he tended to each wound, realizing the extent of his suffering. "Are you-" Zoe began to ask, but Gray interrupted, "I'm fine, Zoe." Zoe paused, studying Gray's pain-filled gaze, then shrugged and continued, "Gray, I made you feel terrible every day, and yet you still protect me and remain my friend." She apologized to him for her actions, and Gray smiled, causing his lip wound to reopen. Blood trickled down, but Gray seemed unfazed as he wiped it away with his suit sleeve, leaving a stain. "Oh, Gray..." Zoe said, placing a hand over her mouth. "Zoe, I have been injured before, you know," Gray said, causing Zoe to laugh broken-heartedly, storing that information away for later. The two embraced, Zoe mindful of Gray's wounds. "Now," Zoe said, her voice filled with determination. "Go get a plaster for your lip, Gray. I won't have you bleeding all over the castle." Gray's face fell, and he looked unsure. "So, not like yesterday?" he asked, his voice filled with vulnerability. Zoe's heart broke for him.

As requested, the novel has no specific genre or writing style. The characters, Zoe and Gray, are introduced as individuals with a complex relationship. Zoe is depicted as someone who has mistreated Gray in the past, while Gray remains loyal and protective of her. The story explores themes of abuse, forgiveness, and redemption. The language used is English.

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