Not so Great Expectations

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Chapter 1: The Weight of Expectations

Robin and Raven had been dating for a while now, their connection growing stronger with each passing day. They understood each other in ways no one else could, their shared experiences forging an unbreakable bond. However, there was one thing that threatened to tear them apart - Robin's visit to Wayne Manor.

As the sun sets over Jump City, Robin prepares himself mentally for the meeting with his mentor, Bruce Wayne. He knows that Raven cannot accompany him, as Bruce prefers to keep their relationship a secret. With a heavy heart, Robin bids farewell to Raven, promising to return as soon as he can.

Entering Wayne Manor, Robin is greeted by the stern face of Bruce Wayne. The atmosphere is tense, and Robin can feel the weight of his mentor's disapproval. Bruce's voice echoes through the grand hall, filled with disappointment and frustration.

"Robin, your acrobatic abilities are flawless, but they lack the finesse I expect from you. You need to push yourself harder, strive for perfection," Bruce admonishes, his words cutting deep into Robin's soul.

Robin's heart sinks as he recalls his past as one of the Flying Graysons, a family of acrobats who met a tragic end. He had always felt the pressure to live up to their legacy, and Bruce's critique only amplifies his insecurities.

Unable to bear the weight of Bruce's words, Robin takes it personally, feeling as if he will never be good enough. The pain of his past resurfaces, threatening to consume him. He wonders if he will ever escape the shadow of his family's tragedy.

Chapter 2: The Bond of Empathy

Meanwhile, Raven, who possesses the ability to teleport, feels Robin's sadness and hurt from afar. Their emotional bond allows her to sense his turmoil, and she can't bear to see him suffer alone. Determined to offer him solace, she teleports to Wayne Manor, her dark cloak billowing behind her.

Finding Robin working tirelessly in the Batcave, Raven's heart aches at the sight of him running himself into the ground for Bruce's approval. She knows how much he yearns for his mentor's validation, but she also knows that Robin's worth extends far beyond Bruce's expectations.

"Robin," Raven's voice is soft, filled with concern. "You don't have to prove yourself to anyone. You are already amazing, just the way you are."

Robin looks up, his eyes filled with a mixture of surprise and relief. He had not expected Raven to be here, but her presence brings him comfort. He realizes that he doesn't have to face his insecurities alone; he has someone who believes in him unconditionally.

Chapter 3: Shadows of Doubt

As the days pass, Robin's self-doubt lingers, casting a shadow over his relationship with Raven. He can't help but question if he is truly deserving of her love and admiration. The more he dwells on Bruce's critique, the more he feels like a failure.

Raven, sensing Robin's inner turmoil, tries her best to reassure him. She reminds him of his strength, his resilience, and the love they share. But Robin's wounds run deep, and he struggles to see himself through her eyes.

Protective and wise, Alfred, Bruce's loyal butler, notices Robin's distress. He takes it upon himself to offer guidance and support, understanding the weight of expectations that burden the young hero.

"Master Robin, you are more than your acrobatic abilities," Alfred says gently, his voice filled with compassion. "You have a heart of gold, and that is what truly matters. Never forget that."

Chapter 4: Embracing the Light

With Alfred's words echoing in his mind, Robin begins to see himself in a new light. He realizes that his worth is not defined by Bruce's critique or his past as a Flying Grayson. He is his own person, capable of greatness in his own unique way.

Slowly, Robin starts to let go of his self-doubt, embracing the love and support that Raven and Alfred offer him. He understands that he doesn't have to be perfect to be deserving of love. He is flawed, just like everyone else, but it is those flaws that make him human.

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