Dialogue drabble Corpse Bridr

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Bo Jangles: *reads Victor's file* "Oh my... Victor, my dear boy, I had no idea... Your life has been filled with such sorrow and pain."

Emily: *grips Victor's hand tightly* "I knew, Victor, I knew... But seeing it all written down like this, it breaks my heart."

Other Dead Characters: *whispering among themselves* "Poor Victor... He's been suffering in silence all this time."

Victoria: *shocked and hurt* "I... I had no idea he was so unhappy. I thought we were building a life together."

Bo Jangles: *continues reading* "And it seems that Victor's heart has always belonged to you, Emily. He hasn't been able to move on."

Emily: *teary-eyed* "I've waited for him, Bo Jangles. I've waited for him to realize that his love for me is true."

Other Dead Characters: *nodding in understanding* "Emily's love for Victor has never wavered. She's been waiting for him all this time."

Victor: *overwhelmed and confused* "I... I didn't know you all knew... I didn't know you all saw my pain."

Bo Jangles: "We've been watching, Victor. We've been watching and hoping that you would find your way back to Emily."

Emily: *softly* "I've always loved you, Victor. And I always will."

Victor: *finally understanding* "Emily... I've missed you so much. I've been living a lie, pretending to be happy when my heart was breaking."

Genre: Romance/Love Stories
Writing Style: Dialogue-Driven
Language: English

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