A Robins Pain (or more specifically our Robins pain)

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Robin felt the cool drip off blood run slowly and gently down his temple, almost like a caress. He shoved through the door to Titams Tower and cursed under his breath. Where to find Raven...but no. He told her he wouldn't fail again. He promised her, begged her that after last time..after Bruce.....not after countless nights of coming home beaten up to Raven sobbing and screaming to screaming back and saying things he didn't mean.

No. He couldn't do that to her. Not again. And not now. Not now they were doing well again. No way.

And so Robin continued to stumble and curse as he made his way to the bathroom. He opened the door with bloodstained hands, he was too weak to use one and he switched on the light within.

He wrenched himself away from the doors looming frame and lunged at the sink as nimbly as he could with two broken ribs and twenty million bruises and cuts. His fingers numbly clutched the sinks rim as Robins body shook a

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