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Sabrina's POV

Jordan and I wake up and head downstairs to make breakfast. We find the others sitting at the table. "By the way we heard you last night." Ethan says smirking. I feel myself blush and turn to see Jordan blushing as well. "Well umm at least you didn't want in on them!" JD says. "Oh come on bro still mad about that?" Ethan ask. "Umm yeah talk about ruining the moment. How would you feel if we walked in on you and Winter?" JD says smirking at Ethan. Him and Winter blush slightly. "Okay before this gets anymore awkward what are we doing today?" Logan ask. " well it's to hot to do anything outside so why don't we just watch movies?" Jordan says from beside me. "Disney movie marathon!" Winter yells. Everyone starts laughing. " okay how about we watch Disney tonight and then horror movies tomorrow night?" Ethan says smiling. "Ugh fine but just because they both lead to cuddling." Winter says. Jordan and I walk into the kitchen and grab breakfast bars from the cabinet. We run upstairs to see everyone arguing over movies. "Beauty and the beast!" "Little mermaid!" "Frozen!" Winter, Ethan, and Logan yell at each other. "First off no frozen." JD says calmly. "So let's vote beauty and the beast or little mermaid?" Everyone but Winter votes little mermaid. Winter puts in the disc and goes to sit beside Ethan. I sit beside Jordan and Logan beside JD.

"Look like the boy to shy ain't gonna kiss the girl" all us girls sing, "wanna bet?" Jordan ask smirking. About that time all the guys lean in and kiss their girls. "Haha I guess you boys aren't to shy." Winter says smiling. We go back to watching the movie and soon it's over. We watch beauty and the beast next on Winters request. Then Cinderella, Aladdin, Mulan, Snow White and the seven dwarfs, and tangled. " okay I'm so over Disney just wait for tomorrow it's horror movie night." JD says smirking. We all laugh and lay down on the couches falling asleep.

We wake up the next day and start to watch insidious. It's scary as shit! We start to watch the second on which is no where near as good as the first one. " we should go watch the third one in theaters this week after school ends." Ethan says. In case you haven't noticed he's obsessed with horror movies. "Yeah we should go Wednesday since school dismiss early." JD says. We all eventually agree and go back to watching the movie. After about 7 movies we are all scared out of our minds. "Let's just sleep in here tonight." Winter says. We all agree and fall asleep in the same place we did last night.

Hey guys this was a filler chapter so yeah stay awesome! Bye!

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