Chapter 36

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You ran directly into the forest. Your clothes were immediately wet, as it still was raining pretty hard outside. In the forest you had to be careful to stay on the path and not run into any trees, because the rain made it very difficult for you to see anything and it was already almost dark.

Quickly you arrived at Air's place, when you wanted to look directly at the same place where she was the last time. Your intuition guided you somehow. You went around that stone and already saw her legs, when a little later you saw her completely, sitting on the ground, crying and curled up. It seemed as if she didn't care about the rain at all and was in her own thoughts.

You carefully knelt down in front of her and lightly touched her knees that she would notice you, so as not to frighten her again. Only now she looked up into your eyes as she quickly looked away again.

You sat quietly next to her and also pulled your legs up to your body as you watched her. The moon was reflected in her eyes as she looked coolly into the distance. You carefully tucked her hair, which was sticking to her face, behind her ear as you could see tears coming continuously from her eyes.

You wanted to talk to her...but you didn't know what. You wanted to ask her something... but you didn't know what. You wanted to hug her... but you didn't know how or where. You wanted to know what made her cry... but you didn't know how. You wanted to help her... but you didn't know how.

Helplessly, you looked out into the distance with her, when all you could hear was the rain. "How long have you been gone?" you couldn't think of anything better to ask, could you Fire? But now you've already said it. Damn. And your voice sounded so cold.

You wanted to know what she was thinking...but you didn't know how.

"I don't know. A while." she said.

"Can I know why you're crying?" you ask her, when you were so nervous about doing or saying anything wrong. Can you ask something like that? Did you hurt her more by asking that? Do you have to expect an answer? Do you have to have emotion in your voice? Does she think you're disappointed in her now? Do you know anything about a woman right now?

You briefly looked at her when you asked her, but quickly looked far away again when she didn't give an answer.

You wanted to know what was going on in her head... but you didn't know how to do it. God deam it.

"I'm so fucking sorry." her weak voice rang in your head as you looked right back at her. She closed her eyes as more tears came out of her eyes and she started crying harder. Directly you slid over to her and tried to give her a hug. "Hey... it's alright..." you gently pressed her against your torso, hoping she would find the safety in your arms that she needed right now. "No it isn't. I just shouldn't have bitten you." she mumbled into your chest as you deduced why she was crying.

"You're crying because you think it's your fault we can't have kids?" you asked carefully as she just nodded into your chest. "Air...can you listen to me for a second?" again she nodded into your chest as you held her. "No matter what you say or disagree with me. It's not your fault we can't have kids." she straightened up as she then sat in front of you, wiping the tears from her face and looking at you. "But-" "No buts. It's not your fault. And besides you wanted to listen to don't interrupt me even if you like it!" Air grinned briefly as you then continued talking. "How are we supposed to know that an IceGhoul and a FireGhoul are so opposed to each other that they can't manage to have a child? Everyone is confused as to how we could even manage to fall in love so strongly and not hate each other's to death."

"But yesterday you were sparkling about how much you wanted to be a father and now I can't grant your wish." "Air...yes...I was glowing about how much I want to be a father, but that's not why I'm looking for a new wife now or give you tue fault. I'll give up a child for you. Honestly, who dictates that you should have a child at all? Otherwise my love for you will just disappear and out of nowhere I will start hating you because we don't have a child? No. I don't need a child to confirm my love for you. All I need is your love. You are my wife and always will be. I don't know how to tell you that I just love you and you are the most important person in my life. As much as I mean it, you can't find words for... I-" you were trying to find words somehow when you stopped making eye contact with Air to think when she suddenly wrapped her arms around your neck.

You were surprised at first, but then hugged her tightly yourself. Even you had a few tears running from your eyes as hers run down your neck.

The two of you sat leaning against the stone again as you put an arm around her and she put her head on your shoulder. "Sorry I ran off. Sometimes I get so lost in thought that I totally forget to talk to you. I just want to get back to my seat. I love you and thank you for being my husband." "You don't have to apologize for that. Love you too and thank you for being my wife."

You sat there for a long time as you started to get hungry. You did not want to ask if you can go home now, just that you get something to eat. Your stomach growled once so loud that you could even hear it through the rain.

Air looked at you with the typical face she always makes when you don't tell her you're hungry. She immediately stood up and held out her hand to help you get up. "Fire... can you please tell me when you're hungry? Please! Eating is important!" She kinda laugh while she starts to go home with you.

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