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Eleven months later,

It's nearly the end of winter, but it's still enough cold outside. The chilly wind is still covering the city of Seoul, people still prefers to wear heavy winter clothes outside.
But right now, two people are basking in each other's warmth, in their safe heaven.
Nothing feels better than this, not even the heavens.

Yoongi wakes up first as the morning light hits his eyes from the window, last night they just fell asleep watching the moon,the stars & the citylights. So it's too early for any of them to wake up actually.

A man, now sleeping just beside him,
no cuddled into him.
The improvement he got from a year before, this man beside has become less troublesome nowadays.
Just a bit only.

How he even get him??
Heavens, if you exist... Thank you.
I know I am enough sinned.
But I am content to have him.

The man was a bit bothered yesterday. He decided to do something today after contemplating of doing it for some months.
Yoongi was perplexed when Jimin voiced out his intentions, he couldn't even figure out why he wants to do it after all the years.
But then he understands, somethings are needed to be done.

Yoongi's nightmares reduced a lot cause the reason of his fear doesn't exist anymore.
He knows he is safe, his family is safe.
And this man beside him tries his best to do it. He knows it very well.
And maybe also because Jimin's presence really helps him to get through a lot of things.
The man is stubborn obviously, they have heated arguments obviously.
But still everything feels right with him.

Yoongi's triggers are still there, but he has started working on it finally.
But Jimin still have those, prominently.

Both of them are also too busy, in things like their business and work.
Jimin still goes back forth between Seoul & Palermo.
Yoongi knows it's tough for him. But he knows he mostly comes to Seoul just because of Yoongi. He still doesn't like this city that much.
Yoongi has a hell a lot of work now too. So leaving Seoul hardly seems like a option until it's a business trip.
He have changed his apartment, shifted into a bigger one which have more rooms and more space. This two prefer separate rooms just to keep their work stuffs and both are understanding for it.
He didn't ask Jimin to come often to Seoul. But he comes on his own as if a silent agreement between them. Till now Yoongi didn't get the opportunity to visit Palermo or Milan. He is thinking of going next month, to subtly celebrate the one year of dating a troublesome Angel of death aka his siren

Yoongi just wants this man to be okay. He needs to let go of his past which he still hasn't.
Hope he does it after today.

He presses a kiss on his forehead gently, pushing aside the strands of the hair fallen messily on his forehead. Jimin shifts on his bread itching his nose, making a sound that means he is slightly annoyed.


After maybe some another thirty minutes the sleepy head opens his eyes, squinting as the lights straight falls on them.
"It was your idea to keep the curtains open last night." A voice complains from side.
"I wanted to see the night, not to burn my eyes with the sun."
" Consequences......"
"Oh Just shut up if you don't want to get killed.." Jimin shifts again to face the man now.
A gummy smile is on full display as the man laugh silently.
His Prince of Hell.
He groans defeated, pushing his head into the pillow.
"Wake up now, you need to go somewhere."
Yoongi speaks, his voice utterly concerned.
Jimin knows his Prince of Hell doesn't want him to get hurt, trying his best to assure a heaven for him.
But only if he knew, his Pheonix needs to be burned again & again.

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