Let's Forget Today.

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"Yes mom!!!!"
"In the Evening, help me in the kitchen. Seo Min Young is coming over."
"Why don't you ask Noona???" Jimin said eyes concentrated on cutting the twigs of the little tree.
"She has her exams coming, Jimin....."
"Then Jungkook..... He is here..."
"For holidays...."

Jimin groaned in frustration.
"You always make me work. Am I not your favourite?????" He spoke whinning.

"Aww, come here." Hye Soo extended her arms calling him for a hug. The pair was outside in the little space they had in the back of their house, trying to manage the plants Hye Soo has and some newly bought ones.

Jimin threw himself in his mother's embrace. His mother gave him a warm hug, ruffling his hair.
"You are my most favourite, Jimin."
"Don't lie, mom."
Hye Soo pulled back to look into the eyes of her son.
"I am not lying. You are my favourite. And you need to learn how to take care of yourself, along with the people you love. That's why I ask help from you...."
"That's a bad way of manipulating your own son to do the work....."

Hye Soo laughed.
"Oh you are so much like me." She dramatically sighed, pulling a bit away to arrange the new flower plant.

"You look so happy everytime she comes over." Jimin joined helping her now.
"Who??? Min Young????"
"Yeah.. I think she is your best friend."
Hye Soo smiled softly. Jimin rarely see that smile of his mother.
"She is not just a best friend, Jimin. She is the only family I had and I am left with."

Jimin nodded understanding her words.

"Jimin, Can you promise me something???"
Hye Soo spoke eyes trained on the plant.

"What?? To help you in the garden tomorrow???? I am not sure about that..."
Hye Soo laughed so hard this time at the bluntness of her son, maybe he gained it from her.

"No!! Not that..." She said composing herself.
"Then you can ask."
"When I am not here in future, can you look after Min Young and her family?"
Jimin kept his gaze locked at his mother, trying to process her words.
"Just try to ensure they are safe. Maybe if you feel they are not, then atleast inform Min Young beforehand. Can you do that for me???"

"Mom??? Are you going somewhere???"
Jimin asked, fear creeping on his skin, his heart started to beat out of rhythm.

His mother didn't replied at first maybe lost in thoughts.
"Mom!!! It's my seventeenth birthday in a week."
Maybe that bought his mother our of trance.
"Oh no no... I am not going anywhere now. I am just asking...."
Jimin felt a relief washed over him. The fear of loosing his mother makes him sick. He feels his stomach churning, not able to breathe properly.

He hugged his mother again, tightly.
Hope he can hold her this way until time runs out of time.
He can't loose his mother.
He can't imagine loosing his mother.

"I will...." He muttered lowly but enough for Hye Soo to hear.
She run her fingers through his messy hair, soothing him down. Jimin melted into her embrace.
"I know you will."
"You care about them a lot!!!" Jimin said still nuzzling into his mother's kinda dirty clothes with soil all over it.
His mother has a unique scent, that calms him down as if he is so safe there.
His mother tugged his arm but Jimin remained there. So she spoke,
"I do... I do care about them a lot. Cause I got to see you just because of them and I got to be happy cause of them."

Jimin is seating in the living. Jungkook is saying how Taehyung is sometimes so intimadating to their employees that one day they nearly ran away seeing him at a coffee shop.
Jimin can't imagine Taehyung being intimadating.
But he knows one thing, Jungkook deserves to be happy. Taehyung deserves to be happy.
And now they are happy he guesses.

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