Book Two-11

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"You stay out of this! This is between her and I!" Neito hissed out

Denki pulled Yuki behind him as he glared at Neito. "She already said her peace to you. You need to leave, you aren't getting anywhere close to her. She has told Jiro and I what you've done and said to her while you've been here for the last month or so. It's about time that you take your leave and never return. You could have had an awesome job and kept on going with being musically oriented but you chose to dick around with someone who is much older than you. That's on you, NOT YUKI. Yuki never did one thing wrong for you to have done that to her!"

"I hated that she's getting to close to the males she's working with, because of the projects that she has to do-I can't ever get time alone with her. What else was I supposed to do?"

"How about talk to her when you see her instead of being a complete dick to her? Ever thought about communicating with the girl? I know I'm not the best guy out there but even I know better than to gaslight Yuki."Denki said seriously

"Let's not forget who her brother is, if he catches wind of what has happened..."Jiro said shaking her head

"I'm not afraid of some bird brain-he's not even on talking terms with her." Neito said confidently

Yuki got from behind Denki and shook her head. "That's where you're wrong, I am on talking terms with my bro, I have been for a short while now. He's regained some of my trust already and he knows about what you've done."


"BIG BRO!"Yuki shouted after she took a deep breath

Without a word Keigo swooped down and grabbed neito, which freaked out Denki and Jiro as they saw how quick he was. Yuki then smiled at the duo. "C'mon I'll show you two around and have you meet the others too!"

The two of them nodded their heads and they met up with the rest of STARISH and QUARTET NIGHT, they also met up with Haruka. When Haruka saw Yuki she crossed her arms and walked off-obviously still upset with her. Jiro raised an eyebrow at Yuki. "What's her deal?"

"She's who monoma cheated on me with."

"Ooohhh. Ew why?"

"Like I know? C'mon you're bunking with me!" Yuki said as she pulled Jiro into the girl side of the dorms.

Denki pouted. "What about me Yuki?"

"I'll be back to show you, your room keep your pants on electro boy."Yuki said before she showed Jiro where she'd be sleeping and where everything was in the room.

Jiro got started on her own music sheets as Yuki left out and went to show Denki where he'd be in the dorms. Denki then got himself settled down before Yuki went to talk with Shining about what she had talked to Denki and Jiro about at the venue. On her way to Shining's office her phone went off so she answered it as she leaned against the wall. "Hello?"

"It's Shoto, I didn't want to answer your question in the chat and get called out. But yes I will be-and not just for myself either. I've heard you sing while we were in UA, I know how talented you are. I'm glad you're somewhere that you can express that."

Yuki felt herself getting flustered hearing what Shoto said to her. "aww, thanks shoto. That means a lot to me to hear. I have to ask...did you keep away from me in our third year cause of Monoma?"

"Yes. He's toxic."

"So...I'm just an ignorant idiot then....great good to know."

"Hey it's okay. you had to go through the trial and error and you've learnt from it. It's just like how we all went through those trials and lessons in school, we had to learn from our mistakes-just like you had to with that."

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