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Things between Sonic and Knuckles were going splendid. Though it was what Sonic had wanted.

When he got home, his brother 'Manic' asked, "Did he buy it?" 

Sonic answered, "Hell yes. I mean really. He bought that compliment like anyone else had big brother."

Manic chuckled and said, "Oh man, I taught ya everything I know."

It was indeed a fact, Sonic had followed into the footsteps of his brother 'Manic' since the start of preschool. 

No one can say some brothers or sisters can follow into an older siblings' footsteps. They often follow their own path.

But others do follow 'thinking the older brother or sister as a role model'.

The two brothers then had a chat before laughing unaware that a certain guest was upstairs.

A black and red hedgehog named Shadow 'who goes to their school'.

A female voice said from behind, "They're add it again, aren't they?"

Shadow answered while glaring at them, "Yes Sonia. The 2 players of hearts are added again. This time your younger brother is targeting Knuckles."

Sonia asked as she walked to him, "The boy from his English class?" Shadow looked at her and nodded.

Sonia then said as she led him to her room. It was a typical teenage girls room but with a few broken hearts painted on the wall.

The two sat on her bed as Sonia said, "Geez, my two brothers never learn anything. Every time they serenade or sweet talk anyone boy or girl, they break them like glass plates."

Shadow then said, "I was broken as a glass plate when Manic broke my heart. But you pieced me back together Sonia."

Sonia replied, "We have been friends since 1'st grade Shadow. It's the least I can do."

Shadow then said with a blush, "Anyways, thanks for agreeing to study with me."

Sonia replied, "It was all I can do. Maybe next time we can study at your place."

Shadow blushed before looking down and said as he looked away, "Y-Yeah maybe next time."

Thats when they heard someone clearing his or her throat.

The two turn to see Sonia's mother 'Aleena' with a obvious smirk.

Sonia asked in embarassment, "Mom, haven't you heard of knocking?"

Aleena replied cocky-like, "Sweetheart, if you wanna invite your friend for dinner all you had to do was ask."

Sonia and Shadow looked at each other before looking away with a blush. Aleena then asked, "So Shadow you want stay for dinner?"

Shadow hesitated before Sonia said, "If its okay with him."

Shadow looked at her in amazement before he said, "Sure..."

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