School Dance/Cheating

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Sonic played Knuckles like a little doll. They dated for several months.

But on the school dance, this is where things sink badly.

In the afternoon, Shadow knocked on the door as Knuckles walked to him and greeted, "Hey Shadow."

Shadow asked, "Knuckles, what are you doin here?" Knuckles answered, "Oh Sonic wanted me to ask me something."

Shadow sighed deeply and said, "Knuckles, me and Sonia are telling you, he is gonna cheat on you. I know it."

Knuckles replied, "Don't be so protective Shadow. He wouldn't do that."

Shadow sighed deeply before he asked, "So Shadow what are you doing here?"

Shadow replied with a blush, "I'm asking Sonia to the dance."

Knuckles sighed lovingly. That's when Shadow knocked on the door as Sonia's voice said, "Coming."

Sonia opened the door and said as she sees Shadow holding a bouquet of pink and red roses, "Shadow. Good to see you."

She then asked, "Whatcha doin here?"

Then on one knee with the bouquet, Shadow asked, "Sonia, I've been meaning to ask you since 8'th grade. You have been the light in my dark world. Will you be my girlfriend? And go to the dance with me?"

Sonia was flattered before bursting into tears of joy and then sobbing.

She then calm down and answered with a smile, "Of course I will Shadow. I love you so much."

Shadow smiled before the two hugged each other tight.

Knuckles sighed deeply and said, "Lucky."

Sonic was waiting for a little while before seeing Knuckles at the doorstep.

Sonic greeted him before he said, "Glad you made it cutie."

Knuckles giggled before he asked, "So what do you wanna ask me baby?"

Sonic smirked and said, "Of course there is."

He then asked, "May I have your hand for you to go to the dance with me?"

Knuckles gasped happily before he said, "Yes! Oh thank you Sonic, your so sweet."

Sonic chuckled before he said, "Yeah sure."

<School Dance>

Everyone was having a wonderful time. Shadow and Sonia were dancing the night away. It was a winter decorated style school dance.

Knuckles was still waiting for Sonic to show. But unfortunately he hasn't shown up.

Knuckles was wearing something frilly but descent.

Knuckles asked himself, "Dude what's keeping him?"

Knuckles sighed deeply while tapping him left foot.

Knuckles asked Sonia 'who went to have a seat with Shadow for a cup of punch', "Have you seen Sonic?"

Shadow and Sonia rolled her eyes. Sonia said to him, "I'm telling you Knuckles, he's cheating on you!!"

Knuckles protested, "He's not!!"

Shadow pointed behind him and said, "Look for yourself!!"

Knuckles turned around to see Sonic with Sally. Knuckles gasped in shock.

He sees Sonic kissing Sally. Knuckles heart sank in agony before tearing up.

He then shouted, "CHEATER!!"

Sonic and Sally laughed at him while Knuckles said, "How could you do this...?" He then runs off as Shadow and Sonia glared at him.

Manic chuckled and said, "What an idiot." Sonic replied, "Heck yeah."

Sally replied to him, "You two cheat a lot." Manic replied, "What can we say, we're players."

The two brothers chuckled as Amy asked Sally, "Why did you do that?"

Sally replied, "I was promised to get money to get you a red sports car if I dated him for a few weeks or several."

Amy replied, "Aww how sweet?"

Shadow and Sonia ran after Knuckles.

<a few minutes later>

Knuckles sniffed as Sonia and Shadow comforted him. Shadow said to him, "Hey it's okay. Look it's not the end of the world."

Knuckles 'in tears' said, "Easy for you to say. You got over it when his brother broke your heart."

Sonia sighed as the two sat by him.

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