A not so good Hospital Visit

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Knuckles just got out of jail but unfortunately, he had to rent a cheap apartment and due his arrest he got fired from the grocery store.

But nothing can prepare him for this.

2 days before Sonics released, Knuckles went to his former job to get Sonic a few gifts for him to make up for what happened.

But the only thing he did was buy cheap flowers, a teddy bear, and a candy bar.

One of his former colleagues mumbled a sarcastic 'good luck' as he exited.

It was going to snow soon so he had to hurry.

(Back at the hospital)

Sonic was in his hospital bed 'trying to see what good movies are on tv'.

Though so far, he only found a suspenseful movie.

Sonic said to himself while watching the movie, "Since Sonia is released from the hospital, I have no one to talk to but my brother and I'm lucky he keeps me company. Even at night. But after my release, Dad is gonna announce his retirement and pass his business to us. But I still need to take it easy."

He sighed as he laid back down.

He heard a door knock before he said, "Come back later nurse, it isn't time for lunch yet."

He heard the knock on the door again before he said, "It's not locked you know."

He muttered to himself, "Geez doesn't that nurse have sick children to attend too?"

But when Sonic heard the door opened, he then realized it wasn't the nurse at all. It was just Knuckles with a few gifts and a pitiful look on his face.

Sonic was a tad upset to see him. Sonic mumbled under his breath, "Ugh God, not him."

Knuckles greeted him sheepishly, "Uhh Hi..."

Sonic looks away coldly and said, "Sonia's already released so your too late."

Knuckles looks down and said, "Ummm... I'm here to see you actually."

Sonic asked with an upset tone as he crossed his arms without looking at him, "Oh Why is that?"

Knuckles walked about a few feet to him and was a little quiet.

He then said shyly but with guilt, "Uhhh... Listen, I've been thinking about this while I was in prison and being single and all. I thought I..."

Sonic interrupted immediately and flatly, "Oh don't pretend anymore. Infinite told me the truth. When he was going to beat me to death before the illness could."

Knuckles eyes widened as he gasped. He knew the lie was not going to last long but he did not think Infinite would tell him.

Sonic then said flatly, "You lied to me Knuckles."

Knuckles then walks to him and said, "But I really am single. For real this time."

Sonic said nothing as the red echidna sighed sadly before he said, "Look, I'm sorry I didn't believe you about being sick and I'm sorry I lied to you."

Sonic said nothing and kept his silence still as Knuckles gave him the cheap flowers.

Knuckles tried to smile and said, "Look, I got tulips as a get well present. I also have a couple more gifts but..."

Sonics eyes widened 'he was allergic to tulips'.

Thats when Sonic sneezed uncontrollably while he said, "ACHOO!! Get those away from... AACHOO!! ...me! ACHOO! I am... ACHOO!! Allergic to.. AACHHOO!! Tulips! ACHOO!!!"

Knuckles thought in a panic, "Oh no... I forgot Sonic is allergic to tulips. I knew I shoulda gotten the roses. But that would be typical."

Knuckles attempted to help but Sonic smacked him away. Then he said angrily, "ACHOO!! Get... ACHOO!! Out of... ACHOO! here.. ACHOO!! I do.. ACHOO!! not want... ACHOO!! to see... ACHOO! your... ACHOO! lying... ACHOO! face... ACHOO! near me... ACHOO! Get... ACHOO!! Out! Ahh-Ahh ACHOO!"

Knuckles ran off at the same time Manic 'who just got lunch for him and his brother' ran in to see wat was going on.

Manic finds his brother sneezing as he sees tulips on the ground and throws them away to a trashcan outside the hallway nearby.

Sonic stopped sneezing as he said, "Thanks bro... Thought I was not gonna stop sneezing."

Manic replied as he sat down, "No prob... So you picked a movie."

Sonic took a tissue and wiped his nose and nodded.

The two brothers resumed watching a suspenseful movie while eating lunch.

Knuckles went home and felt embarrassed about what happened.

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