New Assistant

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Days passed and Knuckles still did not find a job. He just felt stuck. He may have been hurt in High School and college, but it does not excuse his actions.

Sonic and Manic took over their fathers' company 'which is a company to publish books and novels'.

Sonic and Manic never seem to mind sharing it though the two have separate offices. Things were going well for a few months. Though Sonic did not think of seeing Knuckles again.

But until one day when the brothers are in need a new assistant. They posted an advertisement for a new assistant.

Sonic was typing a love story while working in his office.

The cobalt hedgehog was feeling stressed from doing a lot of work and writing the story.

That was when one of the secretary's came in and informed that the new assistants arrived.

Sonic stood up and said, "I'll be right there mam."

Thats when Sonic walked out of his office and into the interview room. Manic was inside 'already ready to see his assistant.

Sonic stood next to his brother and asked the secretary, "Ms. Blaze. Mind showing our candidates for our soon to be assistance?

Blaze nodded before showing only two. Blaze showed Manics new assistant 'who was a familiar white hedgehog' looking descent and beautiful.

Sonic and Manic immediately recognized this woman. It was Silver 'who had a sex change after his release from jail'. Both brothers jaws dropped with their eyes widened.

Silver politely greeted, "Hello boys. Long time no see."

Sonic asked, "Holy shit is that you Silver?"

Silver replied as she laughed a little, "You can me Silva now. I'm here for the assistant job. For Manic."

Sonic slapped himself in the face 'shocked at this'. Manic asked her, "So, you good at organizing?"

Silva replied sweetly, "Oh yes. I organize so much. I can also schedule, and also make a good cup of coffee."

Manic smirked before he said, "You are hired."

Sonic asked, "Wait a minute, who is my new assistant?"

Manic frowned to see who it is and asked as he pointed at the corner, "Uhh bro?"

Sonic looked at the direction and to his shock with his jaw dropped. It was Knuckles 'waiting for his turn'.

Sonic looks at them and said, "No." Silva replied, "Come on Sonic have a heart."

Sonic replied, "No way, he lied to me."

Manic protested, " I understand bro and I'm still upset he gave you tulips knowing full well that your allergic. But he lost his job while he was in jail. Just at least pity him bro. He needs this. Plus, he is good at organizing. He'll be useful somehow."

Sonic sighed stressfully before he interviewed Knuckles a little. Knuckles was going to convince him to hire him.

But Sonic stopped him and said, "I'm gonna stop you right there Knuckles. I had a little chat with my brother so I'll give you the job. But do not give me the 'I'm single still' shit."

Thats when Sonic said coldly, "You start tomorrow."

Knuckles looked down as he muttered, "I wish you see I'm not lying this time."

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