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The next morning, Knuckles woke up in the break room and looks around. He then sees Sonic on his new computer in his office.

Knuckles got up and tried to exit. But stopped as Sonic said, 'while looking at his computer', "Get your ass right here Knuckles. I need to speak with you."

Knuckles obeyed as Sonic stood up before walking and stopped in front of Knuckles.

Knuckles looks down and said sadly, "Listen, before you suspend or fire me, I need to say something, Sonic you hurt me but what I did was no better and I kept seeing you as that player you once were. But that was no excuse for what I did. I was never happy yet I keep saying I was. But despite all of that, I love you. I really did accept giving you one last chance. But I know you don't forgive me for lying to you. I want you to know; I don't blame you. So, I want you to know, I still love and... I'm sorry."

Just after Knuckles said that he turned around.

But just before he was going to leave, he felt a hand on his shoulder and Sonics voice said with a casual tone, "Look, you lied to me. I saw you fixed and finished my book. So, you're not fired. However, you are going to work overtime for today."

Knuckles asked as he turn to Sonic, "For what?"

Sonics expression soften before he said, "For finishing my story. Plus, you seduced me without even knowing."

Knuckles looked at Sonic as he revealed to Knuckles the hickey, he left Sonics neck.

Sonic teased as he smirked, "Guess we're even. After what I did to you at college, you probably thought about this."

Knuckles said nothing before blushing while looking down.

Sonic then said as he hugged Knuckles tight, "I want you to know I forgive you."

Knuckles sniffs as he kisses Sonics cheek while hugging back.

Then Knuckles asked, "Got something to ask?"

Sonic broke the hug and ask, "Yes, can you forgive me for cheating on you and hurting you?"

Knuckles asked, "And?"

Sonic then asked with a blush, "...And can you please give me one last chance?"

Knuckles smiled and answered, "Yes. I forgive you and I will accept giving you one last chance."

The two hugged as the sun rose up shining on the two guys.

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