One Disappove couple

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After that sexy night, Knuckles sighed with a blush as he went back to his dorm room.

Sonia 'who just got her clothes on with Shadow' asked, "What happened?"

Knuckles answered her 'Sonia was not liking the answer as much as Shadow', "I gave Sonic another chance."

Shadow and Sonia rolled their eyes and groaned 'knowing what this means'.

Sonia asked, "Did you let him manipulate you?" Knuckles answered her firmly, "On the contrary. He supposedly seduced me."

Shadow facepalmed and muttered, "Why the fuck am I not surprised?"

Sonia replied to him, "My brothers get real seductive when they get high on smoking."

Shadow asked in a tiny concern tone, "Don't they know that shit will rot their lungs?"

Sonia replied, "Thats what I told them. But no they just wanna act cool. I can't believe Dad is leaving the business to them, once he retires."

Shadow sighed deeply before he said, "I wouldn't be surprised. Those two acted like kids."

Sonia nodded in agreement while humming.

Knuckles looks at them before he said, "Look, he can probably change. I know it deep down. I mean quiet honestly, it's really good. I mean he's a good kisser."

Sonia then protested with a stomped foot, "Shit dude. That's what Amy said in 6'th grade. Honestly, wake up and smell the roses Knuckles. He doesn't love you. Those two are players. Players don't change."

Shadow replied, "I'm with her on that. Knuckles don't do this to yourself again. He's gonna cheat on you again like he did in Highschool."

Knuckles sighed and rolled his eyes and said, "Oh come on. You both are turning into my parents."

That's when Knuckles said with a smirk, "Besides I'm sure he's changed. Despite of that cocky and annoying behavior."

Sonia and Shadow shook their heads. They knew this won't end well for either one of them at the end of college year.

Not even for one small and tiny moment of hope at least.

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