Nightmares and the First Wave

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Alright, welcome to first chapter of the second arc of Beast Wars Prime. Sorry it took so long but when you have family staying with you for two months while they find an apartment, finding time to write can be difficult. That said, in response to a couple of reviews, I went back and fixed the battle at Darkmount. I didn't realize how Overpowered Magnaboss came across. Hope you enjoy the chapter. Note: edited 3/15/22

June stifled a groan as she got up off the cot and made her way to the bathroom in what had been labeled, temporarily she hoped, the "Maximals' Den". The week following the fall of Darkmount was decidedly hectic for the Autobots and Maximals. It began a couple days afterwards with an experimental armored truck, apparently called 'convoy 8-4' being brought in for Optimus to scan as his new vehicle mode. Fowler had also seriously put his foot in his mouth by bringing Raf and Mikos' things from their homes that day as well, inadvertently rubbing salt in the fresh emotional wounds in regard to their families

June had been as good as her word to all three of her 'children'. She'd put in for some emergency time off from the hospital to be there for them. Going so far as to sleep on a decidedly uncomfortable cot near the kids' makeshift berths, the Cybertronian equivalent of a bed, and living out of a suitcase. The day Fowler brought everything she kept close to the trio. Between her and Jack they'd been able to distract the other two from the drama of what had happened with their families.

With Miko it was a matter of asking about her feelings for Jack. Miko, reluctantly at first, told her about her slow fall into love with her son as she sifted through the boxes looking for the few of her worldly possessions she wanted. When she came to their time in captivity June complimented her gung-ho attitude towards confessing, and the thought process around her attempts to help them escape. Miko laughed when June told her she'd have to show her Jacks' baby pictures when she got a chance, causing the part time Lion bot to groan.

In Rafs' case, Jack decided to keep him busy, after he pulled what he wanted from his boxes, by rigging up the videogame system. The tools in Rafs' hands made adapting the human sized console to retro-engineered controllers he'd built out of scrap around the base to fit their hands easy. What followed was Raf thoroughly trouncing Jack at their favorite racing game. Afterwards Bumblebee joined them for the first time ever, leaving both boys in the dust as Miko and June laughed at their commentary.

The next day, however, brought somber news. Optimus had called the three into a meeting to explain that apparently, their classmates Vincent, Sierra, and her friend Allison were reported missing. He also explained that there was a good possibility that they were taken by the Decepticons, based on what they'd said about their talk with Vector Sigma.

All three Maximals had somewhat mixed emotions about this news. Despite being bullied by Vince repeatedly over the last few years, none of them wanted to wish what they'd been put through on anyone. Jack had surprised Raf and Miko when he admitted that he and Vince were friends when they were around Rafs' age. The death of Vinces' father had caused the other boy to act out and ultimately drove a wedge between them, leading to their current level of animosity. June had always lamented the fact that the two had such a falling out.

Miko had felt guilty at the fact that she'd disliked Sierra so strongly because of Jacks' infatuation with her. Jack and June had to remind her that the odds of someone else being kidnapped by the Decepticons was already high considering their desire to use humans to replenish their troops. Finally, June figured out why Miko was reacting so strongly. Taking her aside she put the young femme at ease by reminding her that no matter how it looked, she hadn't brought what happened upon the other girl, the Decepticons did. Miko felt a little better at that.

Raf simply wasn't sure what to think or how to feel. He'd been bullied pretty bad by Vince in school, but not to the level Jack was. At the revelation of Jacks old friendship with him he felt even more confused. Bumblebee simply said that that was a normal part of growing up. Unfortunately, that didn't stop Raf feeling bad over feeling nothing for his classmates' potential fate.

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