Assault on Project Predacon

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Hello all. I wish to apologize in advance. I didn't plan on this chapter turning into a marathon but I had so much detail I wanted to include. In regards to the first part, again I haven't been in a psychologists' office in years so I can't vouch for authenticity. In any event, I hope you enjoy this newest chapter.

Rung looked at the young Maximal laid out on his couch and steepled his fingers. He'd had sessions with all the Maximals, save Jack and Vince. The former was now in for his session and Rung hoped he'd be able to help. While Jack seemed fine on the surface, but his own discreet observations pointed to a serious problem.

"Good morning, Jack, may I call you Jack?" At his patients' nod he smiled. With how often some Cybertronians changed designations, it was always a good practice to ask. "You've had a very busy couple of months. How have you been holding up?" He asked.

"I'm fine." Jack said with closed eyes, not noticing Rungs wince. "I haven't been having as many nightmares and my training's been going well." Jack didn't want to mention that while the number had gone down, the content had changed drastically. Sometimes he'd be back in Knockouts' lab, others he'd be watching Airachnid killing Arcee and Miko while he was webbed up. Then there were the ones where he was just reliving memories of near misses.

"Jack, can I be honest with you?" Rung asked.

"Of course, doctor."

Rung sighed. "I've been watching all of you since I arrived, and in your case, I've noticed that you spend a lot of time in beast mode. In most cases you spend the most time in bot mode when you have something happening in front of you. Otherwise, you're in lion mode."

"I'm just trying to feel more at home in my new body, in both forms. Besides, in most cases my beast mode is better suited for combat." Jack defended.

"Fair enough." Rung replied. "However, from what I've noticed you seem to be spending more and more time in beast mode." When Rung first arrived Jack only spent some of the day adapting to his new beast mode. However, as time went on it was increasing more and more. It skyrocketed after his and Arcees' encounter with Airachnid. He was even starting to sleep in lion mode more often than not.

Jack let out a sigh. "Honestly doctor, it's not so much I'm more comfortable as a lion, it's the fact that I'm more capable in beast mode."

"How so Jack?"

"Well, my senses are a lot stronger first off. I may not have Vinces' level of hearing but I can usually tell when one of the bots or my mom is checking in on us. Then there's the fact my teeth and claws are my more reliable weapons." He replied. While his whip was powerful, his aim wasn't as accurate as he'd hoped.

"So, you feel stronger and more capable in beast mode?"

"That, and." Jack hesitated a bit before continuing. "And I can't help feeling like if I'd been in beast mode Airachnid wouldn't've been able to sneak up on us. We got captured and Miko got poisoned because I was careless. If I'd been in beast mode, I might have heard or smelled her coming." He admitted.

"Jack. I've known about Airachnid for millennia." Rung consoled. He had a feeling that this might be part of the problem. "At one point during the war for Cybertron, she managed to sneak through our base while Blaster was stationed there, and even he didn't hear her until it was too late."

"Maybe." Jack conceded. "But it still happened. Just like on the beach, I should've been able to sense that Rampage was in the water with us. Preferably before he got between us and the shore." He rebutted.

Rung raised a brow. "I think you're expecting too much from your new body Jack." He replied earnestly. "Despite what some might say you are no more a lion than I am a Decepticon. You haven't got a 'Spidey sense' so to speak."

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