Chapter 2

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Maddie's POV:

SHITTTT! I have officially left boarding school. Now if this was any other occasion I would be jumping up and down, screaming with happiness but since not only am I in the car with my dad who hasn't said a word to me apart from 'get in the car' and also the fact that I have been kicked out, that isn't the best idea.

Now I don't really know what I'm suppose to do. I mean what do you do when you've just been expelled from your school. Dad's sorta freaking me out because he hasn't really spoke to me and I know that, that means he's annoyed at me but come on what did he expect I hated that place.

 "You tired?" Dad asked gently. Okay that's scary.

 " yeah a bit"I said. I hadn't realised how tired I actually am.

 "Get some sleep, we've still got a few hours to go"

I nodded fixing my blanket that was falling off my body.


I woke up an hour or so later when the car made a gigantic turn, jolting me awake.where in the world are we? We pulled up to a gate, where dad just pressed a button on the gate then driving past it when it opened. That was weird. Since when did we have a gate like that? We drove past a few big mansions that I definitely have never seen before. Okay now where the fuck are we?

We pulled up to yet another gate but this time dad didn't need to press any button it just automatically opened. We drove up a really long drive and as we got closed to the actual house was when I realised I'm not going home. I could see a blonde woman opening the front door and walking out just as dad stopped the car. I looked at him as he got out and pulled my suitcases with him going to the front door and dropping them there. 

He walked back to the car but this time with Scarlett following. He knocked in the window when he realised I had locked the door and that he being him, left the keys in the car with me.

 "Madeline I know you can hear me. Stop behaving like a child and open the door" he said trying the door again.

 "I am a child Mathew" I said looking anywhere but at him.

 " Madeline you know what I mean. Just get out of the car so I can talk to you instead of talking through a window"  

"Dad you can't make me stay here"

 "Maddie please just get out of the car so we can talk"

I slowly opened the door and slowly got out grabbing my bag and blanket with me.

 "Thank you. Wasn't so hard now was it?" He said looking at me. To which I just glared at him before rolling my eyes. This man! I followed them to the door, where a man was there smilling.

 "Hi Madeline, I'm Colin. It's nice to meet you" he said smilling

I just nodded and mumbled a hi.

 "She's a bit tired, been a long week" dad said looking at me, grabbing my hand and squeezing it to show that he was there. Colin just nodded before giving Scarlett a kiss on the cheek saying that he will be back soon with 'trouble'. Who the fucks trouble?

 "Maddie be nice and say hello to your mother" dad annoyingly said.

I again just mumbled a hi following them into what I assume to be the living room. I sat next to dad still holding his hand. I could feel my leg start to shake. Scarlett sat in the chair in front of us so I just stared at the floor.

 "So Maddie the plan is that you stay here until I finish my project and work in Spain. You will join your old school so that shouldn't be to hard. Dance you can still do as well at the same place.Maddie I need you to behave okay and do what Scarlett tells you. You never know maybe this can be your fresh,fresh start. You get to meet your sister which is cool and you get to meet a while bunch of other people Maddie okay? I want you to just try and cooperate with me and just try this out." Dad said

 I just nodded and stared at the ground wishing it would swallow me up.

 "I've got to catch a flight, you know how abuela is with timings and all that. Maddie just try it out for me yeah?"

 " right" I whispered. Dad nodded and pulled me into a hug making me want to cry, but I couldn't Scarlett was in the room and she didn't need to see me cry.

 "It's all going to be okay munchkin, I promise" Dad whispered before letting go.

 "Call me if anything happens Scarlett oh and you're in charge of punishment for getting kicked out of school" dad said getting up.

 "Bye. I Love you. I'll call you when I get settled" dad said before leaving. Shit! Now it's just me and Scarlett.

 "I'll show you to your room so you can get settled before rose comes" Scarlett said standing up, me doing the same.

She led me to a room upstairs. She opened the door and I walked in. The room looks just like how my room in England looks, it's got posters all on the walls of my favourite shows and music artists as well as a few trophies on the odd shelf. I decided not to ask how she go those as much as I was tempted.

 "I didn't know how you wanted your room but um.. Allie told me a few things, we can change it if you like." She said nervously.

 " no it's okay. Thanks" I said pulling my suitcase from the door into the room.

 "I'll uhh.. Leave you to it. My room is just across the hall. So if you need me I'll be there." She said before leaving shutting the door.

 I walked over to the bed and just layed there, staring at the ceiling above that happened to have cute little glow in the dark stars on. SHUSH! MADDIE YOU CAN'T START LIKING IT HERE. I signed before getting off the bed and moving to unpack. This is going to be a long night!




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