Chapter 60

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Maddie's POV:

Shit! I shouldn't have told her, I should have just lied and made up a random story for the nightmares because now she's just gone.

I don't know where she's gone. Is she going to come back? Shit!

Where the fuck has she disappeared too?

Should I call her?

It's been like an hour.

Maybe she just needs to let it all sink in. That's what my dad needed when it happened.

I don't think telling her what happened was the wrong thing to do because she needed to know at some point but I don't think that she's took it well. 

I guess she wasn't expecting me to say what I said.

I wished she had known already and that I didn't have to tell her. Fact, I wish she was there.

I remember when I woke up from the surgery, I wouldn't stop calling for her. I was screaming and crying for her. I wouldn't let dad go near me because I only wanted my mum. I think all of the years without her and in that moment I just needed her even more than ever.

Come to think of it, dad was in control of whether I could see her. So he's the one that stopped me from seeing her. All my screaming and crying because i wanted my mum could have been stopped if he'd have just called her. Its his fault that I didnt have her there. I

He took away the one person that I actually needed. He stopped a traumatised ten-year old who needed her mum, from seeing her. who does that? What kind of 'dad's' does that?

Yes HE was there but I didn't want him, I wanted my mum. I NEEDED my mum and he stopped me.

I hear the door being opened and see mum walking through the door. I run down the stairs and jump into her arms.

 "I thought you left. you was out for ages. I thought you'd left me again. Please don't leave me again, I know it was hard to hear. I know and I'm sorry but please don't leave me. Please mama" I cry out.

  "Hey, hey. I'm not going anywhere and you've got nothing to apologise for. Okay? That was not your fault okay? And I am not leaving you"she says. 

Scarlett's POV:

"Hey, hey. I'm not going anywhere and you've got nothing to apologise for. Okay? That was not your fault okay? And I am not leaving you" I tell her. She nods her head but continues to cry in my arms. 

I try to move her so we could walk to the living room but she just hold onto my t-shirt even tighter. I pick her up and walk us to the living room. 

I sit on the coach and she snuggles into my chest.

 "Please don't leave me. Please mum. I promise I'll start trying in school. Please mum, just please don't leave me" she cries out. 

 "Maddie. I'm not going anywhere. Okay? I promise. I don't care if you don't try in school, okay well I do. But I'm not going to leave you just for that okay? I'm not going anywhere. I've spent enough time away from you so far don't you think?" I don't think she hears what I'm saying because she continues to cry even more.

 "I hate him, I hate him. I hate him so much" she tells me.

 "Who Maddie?" 

 " Dad. I hate him so much. He knew I needed you and he didn't let me see you." I don't say anything and she continues.

 "I hate my aunt's too. They knew, they knew and they didn't tell me. They lied to me. They knew all along."

 " Maddie, honey, you don't hate them. They didn't tell you because they knew that your dad had to be the one to tell you. You don't hate them honey. " 

 "I do. I hate them. I hate them all. Everyone knew. Everyone. I was the only one who didn't know. They didn't tell me. I hate them mama. They knew I needed you, I would cry to them about it and they just knew all along. They could have called you, they could have done anything to let me see you but they didn't. So yes mum, I do have them. I hate them all." she cries.

I hold her tight and continue to try and calm her down. I can't really argue against her because I understand where she's coming from. She has just found out that everyone knew and never told her. I think I'd feel the same way too.

Intact I did feel the same way too. I hated every person in that family when the custody battle happened. I hated them all, but after a while I came to realise that they couldn't have really done anything and I am so grateful for all of them for looking after my little girl. Especially her aunts, they were really there for her when I couldn't and I respect them massively for that. But I get where she's coming from. It's hard being told something and then finding out you're the last to know.





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