DC - Flash - Cisco x Reader

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A/N: your outfit above)

Central City - 10:32am

[Y/N] stood by her window of her new loft apartment she bought with the money her cousin gave her so she could start over on her own, she smiled softly as she thought about how in this city she wasn't over shadowed by her all famous cousin's influence as much as it was back in Star City. You see, Oliver Queen was her cousin and it was hard to have that kind of shadow cast over her at a young age known that whatever you did wouldn't compare, it was heartbreaking to say the least.

However, this [H/C] haired woman decided that if she wanted to make a life for herself then do it in another City where nobody knew who you were and those impossible expectations loom over her head, she also was here in Central City looking for the flash as Oliver told her if anyone could help her with her new found power's it was him and his team.

About 3 months ago [Y/N] went on a mission that Oliver asked her do for him as he was busy balancing his vigilante life and normal one, on that mission it was supposed to be a simple get in get the information then get out but that all went to hell when the organisation that she was infiltrating decided to set off a self distruct button on there hideout, long story short; it blew up and she got affected by the radiation of the blast.

Looking at her hand it fizzled to life with blue and purple electricity before she clenched her hand shut then shaking the static off her hand, a sigh slipped her lips just knowing that this new found power's of her's is messing with everything she wanted to do because whenever she went even near any kind of electronic or electric kind of thing's they frizz out then stop working completely, it's become a nuisance for the last 3 months as she adjusts to her new life.

It was frustrating, to say the least.

Today she was hoping to get answers and she wasn't going to stop until she managed to find them, even if that means seeking out the flash at his everyday normal job which Oliver so graciously gave her where to find him. Grabbing her bag she left her apartment to her first destination which was CCPD, it didn't take long for her to get there but she did have to avoid anything electric along the way otherwise she'll just absorb all of the electricity from it, walking out of the elevator she scanned her eye's around the room looking for someone in particular that would definitely know where to find Barry.

Spotted Joe over by his desk she went over to him just hoping she wouldn't completely fry every single computer in the precinct and once she reach him she clear her throat to catch his attention which worked, Joe look at her for a minute before asking what he could do for her to which she then asked if he knew where Barry was, he asked with a yes and showed her upstairs to his forensics lab that she then thanked him for.

Stood in to doorway of the lab she took in all the scientific equipment and tec completely getting distracted until she notice something that was on a table, not thinking she walked over and picked up the case file then flipped through it quickly before realising that he had completely missed something but before she could do anything it was taken out of her hands, looking over her shoulder she was face to face with the person she was looking for.

Barry)"What are you doing in here? Civilians aren't allowed up here. "

"Barry Allen, I assume? You've missed something out in that case file, by the way. However, that isn't why I'm here. It's for this"

She lifted her hand up as it started to fizz and flicker with electricity which completely surprises the speedster as he took in what he was seeing before you shook the electricity off your hand, once he got over his surprise he quickly looked around to see if anyone else saw what just happened thankfully on one did and he turned back to you only to see that you were already somewhere else within his lab, quickly going over to where you were he took a knife in an evidence bag away from you before you could do anything else.

He then thought back to the text he got out of the blue from Oliver this morning telling him "good luck" which confused him but now he figured out what it ment, he must of meant this and as he thought it over more he remembered reading about Oliver's cousin being in an accident but he didn't think that it'll lead to this, Barry was snapped out of his head when he heard a crackle only to turn around to see everything electronic within the room fizzle and malfunction along with the lights going out leaving you in the middle of the room glowing with electricity fizzling all over you.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to that. Barry.... Oliver said you could help me, can you help me? I wouldn't be asking this of you if it wasn't important. "

Barry could she the fear and desperation in her eye's as she hugged herself trying to stop the electricity that flowed over her, it was clear that she was at a loss on what to do or how to handle her power's which made sense why Oliver sent her to him as he knew that he could at least try to figure something out, the lights flickered back on once her body had stopped crackling with electricity.

Barry)"I'll try my best to help you, ok? Let's go to S.T.A.R lab's. There, we can try and figure something out alright. "

A small smile slipped onto her face just thinking there was hope for her yet on figuring this out, Barry grabbed his thing's then they went downstairs and she waited by the elevator as he went over to tell Joe what was going on then they left the precinct with him calling ahead to S.T.A.R lab's to let them know he was coming, once they reached S.T.A.R lab's all [Y/N] could do was stare in awe at everything.

She got a little too excited when she walked into the cortex and spotted Barry's suit which made her to spark up alittle making the lights flicker, when she noticed she instantly took a deep breath to calm herself down it was then did she notice there was other's in the room looking at her surprised, she wave alittle before she got distracted by all the tec they had.

Caitlyn)"So is that Oliver's cousin?"

Barry)"Yep. I don't know how she got her power's, but they must be powerful if he sent her to us, right? Where's Cisco?"

Caitlyn)"He'll be here, don't worry."

As if on cue Cisco came in carrying a bunch of thing's rambling about how it was exciting to see another electric type power like Barry's which caught [Y/N]'s attention, she saw that he was going to trip over a chair so without thinking she was over by him in a less than a second stopping him from falling but some of the things he was carrying fell to the floor and for the first time they met, a crackle of electricity rolled over her body sending a shiver down her back as she looked away from him then picked up the thing's he dropped.

Caitlyn and Barry both watched their interaction already, knowing that something was going to happen between the two in the future.

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