Chapter 64: Air Sleds Fight

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Arc: Fragrance Of Memory

*Note: This is special music is represented by My Soul Your Beats, please enjoy reading  while playing it "New Age".

Before the members of the headquarters launched their attack on the members of the organization, Valentina, Edward, and Merissa sat in the cave, looking at the Black Hoop Book. Merissa tears up a group of its pages, and suddenly the remaining pages of the book flip over alone and quickly, as if a wind had blown and browse through the pages.

Valentin: "It's clear from this reaction that the spell is powerful."

Edward: "It's a risk, Merissa. You might lose your copy magic?"

Merissa: "Don't throw your negative thoughts like that while I'm copying the papers."

Christine spots a ring on Shrine's finger:" I'm in love with your ring. It's really elegant and fits your hand. . Hey, are you? !"

Shrine extended her hand, showing off:"Beautiful and right, the knight of my dreams has come to me."

Edward , upset:" He could have found a more beautiful woman to marry, but he chose this idiot."

Lasto:" Lasto thinks that Edward is an idiot. He cannot read road signs in Marcel."

Edward stands: "Lasto, it was only once. "

Shrine: "He's just upset because I'll be his brother's wife."

Christine: "Really? !"

Pixies touches Edward's hair:" Come on, come on now, your brother is well known as far as I know, and I think that a woman like Shrine is unparalleled."

Valentin collects the pages before they fly: "Please, can you help me, the pages are flying away."

Owen approaches her and collects the papers: "Marriage? ? . . who who ? . . Is it you, Merissa?"

Merissa hits him in his  stomach and he falls to the ground in pain while everyone laughs at him:" Stop flattering and help us without talking."


Currently, specifically at the hill, Farsto and Shirin continue to protect  Nicholas, Hugo, Pixies and Cole  back immediately after the hostages escap by the truck. But a group of the organization members heads to follow them on their air sleds.

Farsto: "Now Shirin!"

Shrine throws three barrels of hot oil at her opponents: "Come on! !"

A member of the organization shouts: "Watch out!"

Despite his warning, most of them were unable to avoid the oil and its heat. Their voices rose from the intensity of the burning. Behind them, a man from the organization appears on his sled, ready to shoot. Lasto comes out, knocks him to the ground with her rubber ball, and breaks the gun after her ball turns into iron.

Farsto proudly: "Always under your protection, Lasto! ."

Farsto gets on the man's sled, and Shirin rides with Lasto to catch up with Nicole and the others. Shirin with the Lacrima headset that she took from the cave goods: "How does this thing work? . Oh , that's so, Ajax, can you hear me? !"

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