💛 𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖳𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝖭𝗂𝗇𝖾_🖤

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Love speaks volumes in the silence of a glance.


Every shimmering piece in Anchgham's huge gold tomb reflected the moonlight that was filtered through a secret escape, giving its interior a unique reflection. Shady as he was, Jin rubbed a rough hand across a bar's polished surface, his mouth twisted into a pleasant grin. With careful planning and cunning, Wildeer's wealth would soon be passing into Jeon Hellen's storage, sucked out like honey from a bee farm.

Gold, in all its sun-kissed glory, lay piled high, glinting like a scattered constellation trapped beneath the rocky ceiling. A smile, sharp as a viper's fang, carved itself onto his face.

"Soon, my beauties," he whispered, his voice a silken caress against the cavern's rough breath. "Jeon Hellen's coffers will sing with your melody, and Kalix, that blind bat, will be none the wiser."

A startling tone sounded in the silence as his phone buzzed. Looking at the screen, it was evident who was calling—Jungkook, his brother and the king he was here for, brick by brick—by looking at the screen. With his voice fading to a whisper of a plan, Jin pressed the receiver to his ear. A grin erupting across his face like a desert flower kissed by rain. "Jungkook, my shadow, my muse," he purred into the receiver.

The brothers talked in whispers, speaking a language of cunning plans and scheming shadows, united by their shared hunger for power and blood ties. Jin, the mastermind behind this lavish theft, presented the scheme with a voice like a hot whip. "We start the waltz tomorrow, brother. Dimly lit night, your clever fingers, and a caravan masquerade as lost sheep."

"The caves in Anchgham are overflowing, brother. Tomorrow night, the first shipment departs."

Jungkook's voice, crackling through the distance, was a low rumble of satisfaction. "Excellent work, Jin. Keep the gold flowing, and soon Jeon Hellen will be the envy of the continent."

"Leave it to me, Jin. The gold will disappear like a desert mirage, Kalix and his crows of guards left scratching their heads in the dust."

"Don't get too cocky," Jin cautioned, a sly edge to his voice. "Kalix is no fool. One misplaced step, and the whole house of cards comes tumbling down."

"I trust your instincts, brother," Jungkook replied, a hint of amusement in his tone. "Just remember, once the vaults are empty, the gloves come off. We'll crush Wildeer like a ripe grape."

A shiver of unease ran down Jin's spine. He hated this game of double lives, this constant balancing act between two kingdoms and two brothers. He longed for the clarity of open war, for the freedom to fight under his own banner, not masquerade as a lover in Kalix's gilded cage.

A suspenseful silence lingered after the call ended. Jin possessed an intense desire that was like gold that was melting pools reflecting the torches that were flickering. In addition to wealth, he sensed a force that possessed the ability to rule Jeon Hellen, an empire built through the fire of selfishness.

Strong Desire || J.JK × readerWhere stories live. Discover now