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Memories and pain.
Do you like both of them?


Walking along the uneven road on this moonlit night, his steps convey a sense of purpose and determination. Holding her close, he provides both warmth and protection against the cold. His well-built physique exudes confidence, as if he owns the entire kingdom - which, in reality, he does.

The night is draped in an icy beauty, with the silver moon casting a haunting glow on the frost-covered landscape. The chilly breeze carries the essence of winter, rustling through bare branches. The stars adorn the dark sky like dazzling diamonds.

As the wind blows, distant howls fill the air, creating a sad song that echoes the deep quiet of the night. With each step on the frozen ground, there is a soft crackling sound, like a secret chat between the traveler and the cold earth. Shadows dance in the moonlight, creating a mysterious scene that sparks the imagination.

The cold is everywhere, like a ghost you can't see but can feel. It makes everything quiet and unreal, as if the night itself holds its breath. The shivers aren't just because it's cold; they're a reaction to the magic of the night.

Under the chilly night sky, people seek comfort, and the stars above seem to watch over everything. Each star appears to have its own story, twinkling as if approving of people finding warmth and connection in the cold, magical hug of the winter night.

Her eyes remain tightly shut, holding onto him as if he's her anchor in the unknown. Jungkook, sensing the vulnerability, gently tilts his head and tenderly touches her head. His whispered words, a soft reassurance, reach her ears like a soothing melody, "You can open your eyes, my love."

Slowly, she unveils her eyes, revealing a mix of relief and lingering apprehension. Her heart, which had raced in fear, gradually steadies as she realizes they're safe on the surface and moving forward. With a cautious breath, she pulls her head away from the shelter of his neck and meets his gaze.

In that moment, as their eyes lock, an unspoken connection resonates between them. The relief mirrored in her eyes reflects the profound trust she has in him. Akaal, his expression a blend of reassurance and unwavering support, silently communicates that they've weathered the storm together.

It's only then that she notices a white powder paste on his cheek. Without a second thought, her fingers move instinctively to wipe it away.

As his smirk cuts through the air, her hand freezes in a moment of realization. Panic flickers in her widened eyes as she comprehends the implication of her actions. Desperate to break free, she wriggles within his grasp, but his firm hold refuses to yield. A low growl accompanies his stern warning, "Stay put!"

Helplessly, her hands fall onto his shoulders, surrendering to his command as she allows him to guide her to an unknown destination. Looking around, the deserted streets under the midnight sky provide no refuge. Yn, adapting to the situation, subtly shifts, finding an oddly comfortable position on his body. His hand cradling her hip seems to offer an unexpected sense of security.

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