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The dance of fate.


She shoves him away, a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins as her legs tremble in fear. Confusion clouds her thoughts, grappling with the surreal revelation unfolding before her. Her mind races with questions: if this stranger is Jungkook, how does he possess knowledge of Akaal? And if he is Akaal, how can he mirror Jungkook's appearance so perfectly?

Dread grips her heart as she beholds the uncanny familiarity—His long, curly, and thick hair flowed down his shoulders, exuding a dark aura infused with immense power that he confidently wielded, the same blue pendant, now radiating an ethereal glow beneath his hoodie. Its luminance clashes with the moonlight filtering into the dark room, casting an eerie brilliance that heightens the tension. Her heartbeat echoes in her ears, nearly drowning out the reality unraveling in front of her. The room seems to shrink, enveloped by an unsettling stillness as the weight of the unknown presses upon her shoulders.

Her eyes quickly dart between the uncertain shadows outside and the imposing figure behind her. She takes two careful steps backward, the room filling with an unspoken tension. Akaal, always alert, stands up, his imposing silhouette now towering over her.

The gap between them, pregnant with both anticipation and fear, seems to irk Akaal. Reacting swiftly, he closes the distance with a purposeful stride, a foreboding presence growing stronger. In a desperate attempt to create a barrier, Yn spins around, grabbing a lamb from the nearby table.

She hurls the lamb between them, a symbolic act of resistance against the gathering darkness. The crash of breaking glass shatters the eerie silence, its fragments scattered like a chaotic constellation on the floor. The broken shards form a hazardous no-man's-land, a defiant stand against the encroaching threat.

Momentarily affected by the consequences of her rebellion, Akaal's gaze falls to the floor. The broken glass now hosts a macabre dance of gas oil from the shattered lamb. A contemplative pause hangs in the air, his stern expression hinting at a subtle acknowledgment of her audacity.

His gaze meets her tightly clenched fingers, gripping a small lighter—a covert tool of rebellion. A smirk curls on Akaal's lips, a mix of amusement and a dark sense of pride. In that tiny object, he recognizes not just a tool but the spark of defiance marking her as his unwitting accomplice—the mastermind behind his own little demon.

Yn, her fingers trembling, opens the lighter, grappling with the small, rebellious flame. With determination, she hurls it onto the shattered glass soaked in poisonous liquid. The resulting explosion of fire ruptures the once-quiet room, crackling flames tearing through the air. The room transforms into a fiery spectacle, the orange glow casting dancing shadows on the walls.

Amidst the sudden chaos, both Akaal and Yn instinctively recoil, hastily stepping back two paces from the unexpected inferno. The deafening roar of the flames shatters the once-quiet room, sharply contrasting with the previous stillness. The fire, a wild force unleashed, flickers with an unpredictable energy.

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