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Adriana Sendria was born on June 20, 2004. But she never saw or knew her mother.

She is now 15 and never really had a happy life, a lot of it was of course because she never knew her mother, but the other part was her father, she knows he loves her and cares about her, but sometimes it seems like there's a wall between them, that she can never really fully trust that he'll be there for her when she needs it. And she has also always had a hard time at school. In kindergarten, without her own will, she accidentally almost drowned another toddler in mud because he had pulled her hair.

In primary school she got angry because the other children were excluding her and suddenly the ground started shaking very hard.

And in high school she was kicked out of school for endangering her fellow students with her sudden outbursts of anger.

So, after all her failed experiences at school, Adriana decided for herself that she would get her anger under control and try to stop getting angry at the slightest thing, and she was quite successful.

But just when her life seemed to finally be going well, something happened that will drastically change her life forever.

Her father suddenly became very ill, the doctors diagnosed cancer, but it didn't look like cancer in Adriana's eyes, it seemed like he had something that didn't exist, but the doctors were convinced it was cancer.

And overnight, her father was found dead in his hospital bed, the doctors assumed it was from a heart attack, but when Adriana looked at her father's corpse, she saw on his neck, traces of something that was clamped around his neck, it looked like someone had deliberately killed him, suffocated him, but it seemed like only they saw those marks on his neck, because the doctors and the coroners all said it was from a heart attack.

The following nights Adriana was plagued by nightmares and in every nightmare she saw how her father was murdered by a woman and that woman told Adriana in her dreams that she was Gaia and that her father deserved this and every morning Adriana woke up bathed in the sweat.

These nightmares became so intense that Adriana began to find it difficult to separate reality and her dreams and one day she lost control and became so angry that she destroyed her entire house, there was nothing left of it left, only debris, which meant putting Adriana out on the street.

I was walking through the streets of New York, I was tired and hungry, I hadn't eaten in two days and I was hungry and I had no place to sleep, I had nothing left, no father, no extended family, my mother is unknown to me, no friends, no money, nothing, nothing at all.

I turned into an alley and was walking through it and suddenly someone bumped into me. "Sorry." I said. "Adriana Sendria it is, right?" "How do you know my name?" I asked. "I know more about you than you know about yourself." said the voice. "Go away, leave me alone." I said. The person stopped and I grabbed the person by the shoulders and turned them towards me and I screamed when I saw that the person only had one eye. "Do not freak out." said the voice. "You're a cycloop! You're not real, I'm delirious." I said and I closed my eyes tight and mumbled under my breath, I opened my eyes but the cycloop was still there and grabbed me by the throat and lifted me into the air and my eyes went wide and I gasped and grabbed the Cyloop's wrist and tried to pull his hand away from my throat, while I gasped for breath, I felt my face turn red from the lack of oxygen. "Let me go." I managed to say, but the cyclops only tightened his grip. I got angry, very angry and suddenly the Cyclops started tripping over his own feet and I looked at the ground and saw that the paving stones were coming loose and the Cyclops loosened his grip on me and I fell to the ground and I gasped and straightened up and I glared at the cycloop and a large rock appeared out of nowhere and landed on the cycloop, which turned to ash and disappeared.

I ran out of the alley and into a cafe and sat at a table and ran a hand through my hair and tried to sort it all out but I was so confused, I could barely focus on anything, I can Didn't you see that? I mean, cyclops are something in myths, stories for children, they're not real, they don't exist, they're made up.

A waiter came to my table and put a cup of coffee on my table. "I didn't order anything, I have no money." I said. "That boy ordered it for you." the waiter said and he pointed at someone and I saw a boy with curly black hair and a green shirt and jeans and a gray cap on his head. "Why?" I asked. "No idea." the waiter said and he walked away and I sipped my coffee and enjoyed the warmth of the drink as it warmed my body.

Suddenly the boy sat down on the chair in front of me and I looked at him with wide eyes. "I don't know you, why are you sitting here with me?" I asked. "How does your coffee taste?" he simply asked. "Pretty okay, why did you give me this?" I asked him. "My name is Grover, what is your name?" "Adriana." "I thought you could use it, after what happened." he said. "How do you know that?" I asked and swallowed. "I can explain it all, but not here, come with me." "No, I don't know you." I said and stayed seated. "I am your best chance at survival." he said. "I can take care of myself just fine." I said. "I know, but come along and listen to what I have to say, if you still don't trust me after that, you can still come back here." Grover said and I sighed and followed him out of the cafe.

"Explain." I said, immediately. Grover looked at me. "Okay, you're special, you're not like other kids." Grover said. "I know, I've been an outsider all my life." "There's a reason for that." he said. "What?" "You are different because you are not just human." Grover said. "Am I half vampire oh or werewolf?" I asked. "No, you're half god." Grover said and I stopped walking and looked at him. "You are lying." "I'm not." Grover said. "That is impossible." I said. "And yet it is true and I can prove it to you." he said. "Oh yeah, how?" He took off his hat. I put my hand over my mouth when I saw little horns in his black curls. "That's fake." I said. "No, they're real, and please don't pull them, they're sensitive." said Grover, as he saw me begin to reach my hand towards his head and I withdrew my hand and then my eyes fell on his feet, or at least where his feet should have been, but instead of feet, I saw hooves. "What is this?" I asked. "I'm a stater, I have to protect you." he said. "A satyr?" "Half boy, half goat from the waist down." he said. "Okay, you have my attention." I said.

And then Grover started explaining to me about how my mother is a goddess, a Greek one to be precise, but he didn't know which one and that there is a place for demigods, where they are safe from the world, which apparently is a dangerous is a place for demigods and that he calls that camp half-blood camp and that he will take me there. "Okay, I'll come with you." I said. "Do you believe me?" "Yes, I just fought a cyloop." I said and Grover nodded. "Then I understand why you believe me." he said and we walked to a bus stop and got on the bus and sat down. "And people don't see your goat legs or your horns?" I asked. "No, the Mist hides it from them." he said. "What is that?" I asked. "The Mist is the magical veil that hides our world from the human world." Grover explained and I nodded.

A few hours later the bus stopped and Grover and I got off. "Do you see that lonely tree over there on that hill?" Grover asked and I nodded. "That's the border, beyond that is the camp, but we have to hurry, something is chasing us." Grover said. "What?" I asked. "Fury." said Grover and we started up the hill and we were almost there but suddenly we heard the flapping of wings above us and I looked above me and something was whizzing towards me and before I knew it I was pinned against a tree by a fury and he gave me a dirty look. The fury closed both her hands around my throat and I began to gasp and grabbed her wrists and tried to pull her away from me, but her grip was strong, stronger than the grip the Cyclops had had on me and I began feeling dizzy and felt that if I didn't do something quickly I would lose consciousness. Suddenly Grover hit a rock in the fury her head and she turned to ashes and I fell to my knees on the forest floor and Grover came over and put one arm around my waist and put my other arm around his shoulders and pulled me up and we walked further up the hill and we arrived at the camp and then everything went black before my eyes.

What do you think of the prologue? I promise the next chapters will be more interesting and fun, but I fell asleep late last night, so this is all I'll post of this story today, and tomorrow I have a Christmas party, but it's during the day, so I'll I might have time to post another part tomorrow.

Fun Fact: I'm born on june 20,2004, so i gave my character something of me

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