Chapter 36

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TheUnsuspect Lucypg74

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TheUnsuspect Lucypg74

I woke up and sat upright in bed and stretched and swung my legs over the edge of the bed and walked to the bathroom in my Cabin and I put on my camp clothes and made two braids in my red hair and let them hang over my shoulders. I then walked back into the room and sat down on my bed again and put on my socks and shoes and then walked out of the Cabin and walked to the breakfast pavilion.

I took a plate and started filling my plate with food and then walked to the sacrificial fire and threw some strawberries into the sacrificial fire and then walked to my table and sat down and I started eating my breakfast and my gaze wandered to the Hermes table, where my gaze fell on Luke, and I saw how he was not talking and joking with Chris and a few others from his Cabin as usual, he meed everyone's looks and left his gaze on his plate, as he kept his head down and didn't speak a word and worked his breakfast down and I sigh and ran a hand through my hair, he's been off for a while, like he's not really here, physically he's here, but mentally he's somewhere else, I can see it when I look into his eyes, there's a faraway look in his eyes and not the warmth I normally see, when I look into his brown eyes.

After breakfast, I see that Luke is already almost at the canoe lake and I rush behind him and grab his hand and he turns and looks at me and conjures a smile on his face, which does not reach his eyes. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked him. "Why wouldn't I be okay?" he asked, looking me in the eyes now. "You looked pretty quiet, during breakfast." "I'm just tired and I'm worried about Annabeth," he said and I knew he was holding something back, but I didn't ask further and nodded my head and put a hand on his jaw. "You can always tell me if something is wrong, you know that, right?" I asked him, as I stared into his brown eyes. "I know that, and I will, I promise," he said, but we both knew that this sentence, this time, was a lie, but both decided not to say it out loud and I nodded and stood on the tips of my toes and wrapped my arms around his neck and I felt Luke wrap his arms around my waist. "I love you, you know that right? I love everything about you, including your negative sides." I said, as I stroked my thumb across his jaw and gave him a gentle smile and Luke leaned his cheek against my hand and closed his eyes. "I know." he said and I nodded and then pressed my lips to his and he kissed me back and then I took my lips off his again and we leaned our foreheads against each other, we both still had our eyes closed. "I love you too," he said and I nodded. "I know," I said and I leaned my head on Luke's chest and wrapped my arms around his waist now and because I had my eyes closed, I hadn't noticed the few tears rolling down Luke's cheeks.

It was now some time later and I was sitting with Piper on some stones and Piper was re-braiding my hair because it had come loose. "You are rather quiet," said Piper. "Oh, yeah," I sighed. "Is something wrong?" she asked, as I handed her a hair ty, which she used to fix one of my braids already. "I think there's something wrong with Luke, but when I ask if he's okay, he always replies that he's fine and I don't want to keep pushing, in the fear that he might get angry or shut me out completely," I said, as I fiddled with the camp chain around my neck. "That's annoying." said Piper. "Yes, because I like seeing him and I want him to be able to feel like he can talk to me, about anything, I'm not going to reject him on that, I want to be there for him, like he's always there for me, I want to be able to make him feel like he doesn't have to suppress his problems, for me." I said and I felt tears pecking at my eyes. "Have you told him that yet?" asked Piper, as she put my other braid over my shoulder and I looked at her. "Not in those words," I sighed. "Maybe you should do that sometime, then he will know it can be done, communication is important," she said and I nodded. "You're right," I said. "But what if that makes him not want to talk to me anymore?" I asked, when my voice skipped a bit. Piper sighed and took hold of my hands. "Aria, look at me," she said and I looked at her. "That boy loves you, I don't think he's ever loved anyone before as much as he loves you, there's no way he's going to reject you, you're amazing, okay?" said Piper and I nodded and shed a few tears and Piper pulled me to her and wrapped her arms around me and I hugged her back. "I love you, Pipes." I sobbed. "I love you too, Aria," she said softly, as she stroked my back with her left hand and she looked at me and cupped my face and wiped away my tears. "It will be all right, mark my words," she said and I nodded and stood up and I offered Piper my hand and she took my hand and I pulled her straight and we hooked our arms together and walked back to the camp, if we had been in the forest.

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