Chapter 15/part 1

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I was at the training ground practicing my swordsmanship, of course I had already had a little training with Clarisse, but that was about it and it was far from enough to be good at Capture the Flag.

I swung my sword around and spun on my own axis and I saw Luke coming towards me. "Hey, practicing a bit?" I nodded and lowered my sword. "Do you want some help?" he asked. "Yes, as long as you don't kill me, because I'm far from as good as you." I said, a grin on my face and Luke smirked and we walked to where the swords were hanging and Luke took his sword and we walked onto the field and we were the only ones. "Okay, what has Clarisse taught you already?" Luke asked. "She taught me which directions to swing my sword, left, right, up, down." "Yes, that's good, you should definitely be able to do that, have you mastered that yet?" "Not at first, I was too tense and thought too much and looked after my feet a bit too much, but after practicing a few times, I managed better." I said and Luke nodded. "What else?" he asked. "When I was thinking so much, she told me not to think too much." "That's right, then you get distracted." he said and I nodded. "She did say that in a real fight, you have to do some thinking." "Yes, otherwise you're dead." Luke said and I nodded and continued telling me what Clarisse had taught me. "She also taught me how to defend myself, which went quite well, I knew what to do, it came so naturally, as if I had been doing it for years, but she told me it was because of the ADHD." I said and Luke nodded. "She is right." Luke said. "She also taught me how to attack, and I was pretty good, I beat her too." "Wow, I'm impressed, she's hard to beat." Luke said and I nodded.

"Okay, how do you hold your sword?" he asked and I took my sword by the handle, my right hand at the top, my left hand, just below my right hand. "No, you're going to lose your grip on the handle of your sword like that." Luke said and he came to my side and put his left hand on my left hand and moved it down a bit. "See that the balance of your hands is distributed over your sword, your grip is stronger and it is less easy for others to knock the sword out of your hands." Luke said and I nodded. "Okay." I said. "Good." Luke said, taking his hand away from mine. "You do have potential to be good at fighting with a sword, from what you already know." Luke said and I smiled. "But I need to see you fight to make a real judgement." he said. "Are you going to judge me now?" I asked, joking. "A little." Luke said, a sly grin on his face and I chuckled. "Okay, who should I fight?" I asked as I let my sword hang at my body. "Me." Luke said, picking up his sword and holding it with both hands.

My eyes widened. "You? You're way better than me." I said. "Yes, I'm better than anyone in camp, but don't worry, I'm going easy on you." he said. "Promise?" I asked. "I promise." Luke said and I nodded and swallowed and gripped my sword a little tighter, the stress was building in my body and Luke noticed it. "Hey, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." he said and I heard complete sincerity in his voice. "Okay." I said. "Okay." Luke said.

Luke swung his sword in my direction and I defended myself, blocking his sword with mine and I pushed against Luke's sword and tried to push my feet firmly on the ground, but I felt that Luke was stronger than me. I jumped to the side and Luke involuntarily took a step forward and I smirked and turned and Luke swung his sword towards me again, but I ducked and his sword cleaved the air and I grinned and Luke looked at me, slightly covered in impression. "Okay, I underestimated you." he said, slightly out of breath. "But then I also go full out." he said and I swallowed and my eyes widened and I gripped my sword a little tighter and took a deep breath and Luke started to fight and I fought back, but he was stronger than me, I couldn't do anything against him and soon I was standing with my back against a tree. "I surrender." I said.

Luke POV

She stood with her back against the tree. "I surrender." she said and I lowered my sword and she dropped hers on the grass. "You were good." I said, a little out of breath. She smiled and I had no choice but to give her a smile too. I looked at her, She had blue eyes, the color of the ocean, she had some freckles on her cheeks and her nose and her ginger hair fell in the perfect way around her face, her lips were full and a little smile played around her lips and her shoulders moved up and down a little faster, because she was a little out of breath. The light breeze blew through her red hair, making her chuckle as she put her red hair behind her ears again, her laugh was like music to my ears, she had laughed before, but it never seemed to be sincere, like she felt like she had to laugh, maybe that sound of her laugh was different when she was with her friends, but now her laugh seemed genuine too, it sounded like she was really happy, because of something so simple, like the wind that blew in her hair. She looked at me. "You're staring." she said, a laugh in her tone. "No i'm not." I said. "You are." she said and tapped me on the nose and I swatted her hand away and she gave me a fake offended look, causing a small chuckle to leave my throat.

"You were staring." she said, again and I rolled my eyes playfully and she stuck her tongue out at me. I sighed softly and she looked at me and put some hair behind her ears again and looked at me.

Until now, I hadn't really noticed how beautiful she actually was, of course she was beautiful, she was beautiful in herself and I realized, in that moment, that I don't want her to get hurt, by anyone. She walked past me and I followed her and picked her up by the waist a small scream left her throat and I chuckled and she laughed. "Luke, put me down." she said, laughing. "No." I said and she tried to get out of my grasp, but she wasn't very successful. I put her down again and she looked at me and I just had a smirk on my face. "You're so weird." she said. "I know." I said and she smirked and punched me in the stomach, making me take a step back and she started running away, the sound of her laughing, filled the air and I grinned and sprinted after her and I soon caught up with her and I grabbed her around the waist and she screamed.

"I got you." I said. "Say sorry for punching me in the stomach." I said. "No." she said, stubbornly. "Why?" I asked. "You deserved it." she said, laughing and I started tickling her ribs and a chuckle left her throat and I unconsciously had a smile on my face simply from the laughter leaving her throat. I stopped tickling her. "Say sorry and I'll stop." She stubbornly shook her head back and forth and I started tickling her again and she started laughing and I turned her around so I could look at her and she had a twinkle in her eye when she looked at me. "Stop." she said, through her laughter. "No." I said and continued to tickle her. "I'll only stop if you say sorry." I said. "Never." she said, stubbornly and she looked at me challenging and I licked my lips and started tickling her harder and because of her laughter, she could barely stand on her legs and I had to laugh, because of her behavior. "You are insane." I said, to her. She looked at me with wide eyes, she seemed hurt. "In a good way." I said and then she started laughing and I sighed, she was impossible.

"Okay sorry." she said and I stopped tickling and looked at her. "Was that so difficult?" I asked her. She looked at me and put her hands on my shoulders and I felt tingling on my skin where she touched me. "Why are you so stubborn?" I asked her. "I got it from my father." she said. "Was he just as stubborn?" I asked, her hands were still on my shoulder and I tried not to pay too much attention to it. "Yes, if he had his mind set on something, you couldn't get it out of his head, even if you hit it out with a hammer, he would achieve what he wanted." she said and I saw her eyes were a bit sad. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "Hmm?" she asked. "Are you okay." I said. "You know that feeling when you're little, you want to be anything but like your parents?" she asked and I looked at her. "Never really thought about it." I said. "I do, when I was younger, I think thirteen or something like that, I didn't want to look like my father, because I had the feeling that he didn't love me, that I was a burden, now I know better, but now that I'm older, I see how much I look like him." she said. "Is that what makes you sad?" I asked. "No, what makes me sad is that he can't see me now, the way I am now." she said and I nodded, understanding. "I just know he's proud of you." I said and she nodded, softly and somewhat doubtfully, as if she didn't believe me. "I know that may be hard to believe, but it is true." I said. Adriana looked at me and nodded.

I really wanted to tell her about my mother, now that she has already told me so much about her father, it seems like I owe her, but just thinking about it breaks my heart and she is already so sad, I don't wanna make her even sadder and burden her whit my problems.

"Are you ready for Capture the flag?" I asked her and she looked at me and a smile immediately found its way onto her lips. "Hell yeah!" she said. "Great." I said and she laughed and I felt warm inside and I was scared of what was happening to me.

Luke is falling for her and this was really so cute and fun to write and the next chapter is Capture the Flag and I'm looking forward to writing that too.


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