Chapter 5

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RickRiordanfan1379 Lucy_bxx 

I walked to the breakfast tables and didn't look at anyone, took my food and sat down at my seat. Grover sat across from me and we gave each other a small smile and then started eating.

"What are your plans today?" Grover asked me and I looked at him. "Avoid as many people as possible." I said. "Then you just give them more reason to be afraid of you." Grover said. "I know, but I just don't want to be looked at all the time like a piece of vermin that they rush to kill." I told him. "Yes, that's fair, but try to be above them, you're better than them, I know that, you know that, let them know that too, let them know that they have no reason to be afraid of you." "But what if they're not wrong?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Grover asked me as he ate a piece of egg. "I mean, I understand that they are afraid of me, I am a daughter of Gaia, she is a strong goddess, her powers are very powerful, I am even afraid to use those powers, those powers belong to me , and even I'm afraid of them. So somehow I understand their fear." "Okay, you make a good point there, but as long as you don't get angry, you won't hurt anyone." "I don't know, I've never tried my powers before." "You did, with that mountain." Grover said. "Very impressive by the way." "Thank you." I said, a small smile on my face. "But then..." "Not mad, you told me." "You're right." "Then what were you?" he asked. "When was I what?" I asked him and drank some apple juice from my green glass.

"How did you feel then?" "Sadness, I had just been claimed, I didn't understand why everyone suddenly turned their backs on me, I was upset, I felt betrayed." I said and the gloom washed over me like a wave and Grover put a hand on mine. "But you weren't angry, you were upset, sad, show that your powers are something beautiful, not dangerous and then they will see you, as a person, also as someone friendly, sweet, caring and not mean, or someone who continuously angry and out for revenge." Grover said and I nodded softly. "I'm trying, but I make no promises that it will work." I said and Grover nodded. "The fact that you're trying is more than enough for me." Grover said, giving me an encouraging smile.

I sat on the beach and looked at the canoe lake. I took off my shoes and buried my feet in the sand and closed my eyes and enjoyed the silence, the rustling of the wind, the light rippling water, the birds chirping in the trees, the crickets were skipping in the grass behind me. The sound of woodpeckers tapping their beaks on the tree trunks in search of food. The woodpecker's life was so simple, he woke up, flew to a tree, found food for his children, fed them, and was satisfied with how his day went.

Then why does my life have to be so complicated? And so confusing? So unclear who I should be? Barely a day ago, I was just a girl, with a dead father and an unknown mother, dreams that keep me awake at night and a place that felt like the home she'd been looking for all her life, she felt at home , she felt that she belonged in this place and with these people, she felt wanted, perhaps even loved, by her friends, whom she had gathered here in a short time, but she also felt insecure and afraid, because everything happened so quickly, she had to get used to the way her life is now and she knows she won't go back, to the way it was, to the way it was before she knew she was a demigod, before she knew monsters were after her and wanted to kill, before she knew that her mother was a goddess, but now, now everything has changed again.

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