Chapter 20

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Lucypg74 TheUnsuspect

Third Person Pov

Adriana walked over to where breakfast was being served and she walked up the steps and loaded her plate full of good food and took a glass of apple juice and walked over to the fire pit, which was in the middle and threw some strawberries into the fire and sat down at her table. She found it strange that her sister, Hailey, wasn't sitting here.

But really, she didn't much care what Hailey did. Not much later, after she had started her breakfast, Chris came and sat across from her. "Chris? Shouldn't you be at the Hermes table?" she asked, as she took a sip of apple juice. "I have already finished my breakfast and I can no longer stand it, sitting at a table with your sister," said Chris and after Chris spoke those words, Adriana looked over her shoulder, to the Hermes table and there she indeed saw her sister sitting and she was talking to Luke and to Adriana's great surprise, Luke was also talking to Hailey. Why was he doing that? Adriana had told him, about the nightmare she had had about her sister and yesterday, when Hailey introduced herself to Adriana's friends, or at least some of her friends, that Luke didn't like her either, as much as Adriana liked her and now he is talking to her? What does that make sense? What Adriana also noticed, is how her sister was acting around him, she was playing with her hair and laughing at everything he said and she was biting her lower lip and giggling like a schoolgirl, when he looked at her and she was touching his arm and Luke wasn't even doing anything about it and it seemed, from Adriana's view, that he didn't really mind Hailey talking to him, in fact, he seemed to be enjoying himself just fine.

And that made Adriana's blood boil, unconsciously her hands, had clenched into fists and she pushed her nails, into the palms of her hand and bit her lip, to the point of blood and she looked furiously at her sister and then she looked at Luke, who didn't even notice her, with a hurt look in her eyes, she just couldn't believe, that he would drop her like that and only have eyes for her sister and then she looked at her sister again, with anger in her eyes and if looks could kill, her sister was now six feet deep, underground. 

Adriana didn't understand very well either, why she reacted this way, she didn't like her sister, that much was clear and she felt betrayed by Luke, so the feelings she felt were mostly anger and betrayal, but there was another feeling, a feeling that made her stomach contract and her heart ache, which made her not be able to breathe very well and she began to breathe more fiercely from it, she didn't quite know how to deal with this unfamiliar feeling, simply, because she didn't quite know what this feeling exactly was.

Suddenly Chris put a hand on her shoulder and she snapped out of,n whatever state she was in and looked at him. "Are you okay?" asked Chris to her. "I'm fine," she said, between her teeth and she rather aggressively pricked a piece of mango onto her fork and ate it. "You're not fine, what is it?" "Nothing," she said, looking at her sister and Luke and Chris followed her gaze and it clicked in his head.

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