Chapter 16

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Lucypg74 TheUnsuspect

It was evening and I was getting ready for bed in my Cabin, and by getting ready I meant, taking off my jeans and crawling under the sheets.

I started unbuttoning my jeans and suddenly heard someone knocking on my door and I squeezed my eyebrows together, who would need anything at this hour? I fastened my button of my jeans again and walked barefoot to the doors and pulled them open and there stood Luke. "Luke?" I asked, surprised to see him here. "Hey." he said. "Do you need anything?" I asked. "I don't know, can I come in?" "Yeah, sure," I said and I stepped aside and Luke came in.

I closed the door and he looked at my shoes, which were next to my bed, on the floor. "Did you want to go to sleep?" he asked. "Yeah, actually." I said and suppressed a yawn. "Sorry, I'll come back tomorrow." I said and he walked to the door, but I grabbed his hand and he looked at me. "Luke, what is it?" I asked and I looked into his brown eyes. "Nothing, it's not important," he said and wriggled his hand out of mine. "Luke, I can see that something is wrong, you can tell me." I said, in a soft tone and I looked at Luke.

He looked at me and bowed his head and sighed deeply and I pinched my lips together and sat on my bed and pulled the sheets over me and not much later Luke came and sat on my bed as well and I looked at him patiently. "Take your time," I said and rested my hands on my lap.

Luke Pov

I was sitting on her bed now and she was waiting patiently, for me to start talking.

I looked at her, she looked tired, there were bags under her eyes, you wouldn't notice them at first glance, but if you looked closer, you could see them, she was breathing quietly and her hands were resting in her lap and her ginger hair was a little messy, laying  over her shoulders and she was playing with her own fingers a little bit and suddenly I had an idea that I wanted to grab her hands and I squeezed my eyes shut. No, Luke, you can't just grab her hands, that's weird. I pushed that weird thought to the back of my brain and looked at her and she gave me a little smile. "I need to tell you something." I said. "Okay." she said and I pulled my legs up the bed as well and sat in a cross-legged position, facing her. "It's pretty sensitive," I said and Adriana reached out her hand and rested it on my knee and the feeling it gave me drove me crazy, but I swallowed and tried not to think too hard about it. "You don't have to tell me, Luke." "I know, but I want to tell you." I said. She nodded and rested her hand on her lap again, and my knee suddenly felt colder.

"Now that you've told me about your father, I feel like I should tell you about my mother, too." I said. Adriana came to sit next to me and put her hand on my jaw and turned my head toward her and looked me in the eye. "I really don't want you to do this because you think it's your duty." she said, her voice no more than a whisper and I had to do my best to focus on what she was saying and not on her hand that she had placed on my jaw. "I want to tell, I have wanted to for a long time," I said and she nodded and removed her hand and came to sit in front of me and our knees touched.

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