Chapter 28

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Me and Luke had been dating for about three weeks now and still no one had found out, which I liked, don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't want people to know, because I wouldn't mind, but I also just know, that if we start telling people, people will start to get upset and start asking questions about it and I don't know if I have the energy for that yet.

And it's also kind of nice, that it's just the two of us, something that only we know, it gives me a nice feeling.

"Hey, Adriana, are you listening?" I suddenly heard Leo's voice and I awoke from my daydreaming and looked at him. "Sorry, what?" I asked and looked at him. He chuckled. "You're exactly not really there with your thoughts," he said. "No, sorry, didn't sleep very well," I said, which was the first thing that came to mind, but it was a lie. I had slept wonderfully, in Luke's arms, when he had spent the night in my Cabin again, that happened often lately, I also think it was partly because we both had a nightmare, where the other person died in it and then the one who dreamed it was helpless and we just wanted the confirmation, that if we had another dream like that and woke up, that we would see the other person and we would know from each other, that it was just a dream and that we are okay and that we are together.

"That's annoying." Leo said and he kicked a boulder and I nodded and Leo fiddled with a pair of rubber bands in his hands. That was a trait for the children of Hephaistos, their hands were always moving, always tinkering and inventing new things.

Suddenly we heard laughter and we looked up and saw Chris and Luke and Chris spotted us and they came up to us and I had to do my best that Leo didn't see me blushing, seeing Luke. Even after knowing him for so long and building a friendship with him and dating him for three weeks now, he still had that effect on me.

Chris and Luke came to a stop and Chris had a wide smile on his face and there was a sparkle in his eyes that I had never seen in him before, and I wanted to say something, because otherwise it would be hard not to just take Luke's hand or press a kiss to his lips. "Why are you so cheerful?" I asked Chris and I stuck my hands in the pockets of my pants and I saw out of the corner of my eye, that Luke's hands dropped to my hands for a moment and then quickly up again, it was so fleeting, but I had noticed it anyway.

When Chris didn't really make a move, answering my question, Luke put a hand on his best friend's shoulder. "Chris here, is still with his thoughts at the party," said Luke and Leo smirked and looked at Chris with a raised eyebrow and I had to do my best not to turn as red as my hair is red. "And why is that?" I asked and I cast a quick glance at Luke and then looked back at Chris, who still had the same stupid grin on his face. "Is it that dance with Clarisse?" asked Leo and I looked at him and then looked at Chris, who had started to blush a little and I smirked and bit my lower lip and snorted and Chris looked at me. "Maybe," he said. I smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. "I saw you guys dancing, there was definitely some tension." I said and his grin widened. "Really?" he asked, hope heard in his voice. "Yes, really," I said and took my hand off his shoulder again and then let my hand disappear back into my pocket.

"What should I do?" "Go for it!" said Leo and I sighed. "No, look, it's still Clarisse, she's not just going to just admit she likes someone," I said. "Does she like me?" asked Chris and he looked at me with puppy dog eyes and I chuckled. "I don't know, but I don't think she hates you as much as she hates the rest of the camp." I said. "She doesn't hate you," Luke said and he looked at me. "No, but then I'm great," I said and Luke nodded, a hint of a smile on his face. "Try the edges a little, but don't overdo it, she's a daughter of Ares, not Aphrodite," I said and Chris nodded. "Thank you, Aria," he said. "You're welcome," I said. Leo tapped me in my ribs and I slapped his hand away and looked at him. "What do you want?" I asked. "How do you know so much about this?" "About what?" I asked. "Love, liking someone," he said and let my gaze wander to Luke for a moment and then looked back at Leo and Chris.

"I watched a lot of romantic movies back in the day, then you do learn what to do and what not to do, when you like someone," I said and Leo and Chris nodded. "I'm going to see Will for a bit, he wanted me to help out," Leo said. "I'll go with you, I'm going to ask him some advice too." said Chris and the two boys said our gedan and walked toward the Big House and I chuckled and I felt Luke had come up behind me and my breath caught in my throat. "That was torture." he breathed out and I nodded and I turned around and looked at him and he took my hands and pulled me along to the woods and I smiled and we arrived in the woods and I grinned and I wrapped my arms around Luke's neck and pressed my lips to his and he grinned against my lips and wrapped his arms around my waist and I laughed softly and we walked backwards, the leaves and twigs, crunched under our shoes and I was now standing with my back against a tree and me and Luke let go of each other and leaned our foreheads against each other.

"Romantic movies?" asked Luke, laughing and I playfully rolled my eyes. "I panicked," I said and I dropped my head onto his shoulder and Luke chuckled and kissed my hair and pulled me against him and I immediately wrapped my arms around his body and pressed tightly against him and we enjoyed the peace and quiet, which fell around us.

And of course, that, was disturbed, by a scream and me and Luke, hastily released each other and looked at the one who had screamed and it was Piper. "How, how long have you been standing there?" I asked. "Long enough," she said and she came up to us and stood for a few feet and looked at us. "Are you guys together?" she asked and I sighed and looked at Luke and he looked at me. "Yes," he said. "Yes, we are," he said and I smiled and then looked at Piper again, only to see, she wasn't there anymore. "Oh no," I said. "She's going to tell everyone, right?" asked Luke and I nodded.

"Well, then we shouldn't deny it anymore either," said Luke and he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers and I looked at him. "Are you sure?" I asked." Yes, I'm sure, are you?" "Me too," I said and I leaned my head on his shoulder for a moment and we walked out of the woods, ready for everyone's opinions, but we had each other, and that's all that matters.

Okay, sorry it took so long for this chapter to come out, but it's there, it's not great, but it's not bad either, and it also deals a bit with Chris's feelings towards Clarisse, which is nice.

Now, there are going to be four more chapters or five, of my own story line and then we are also going to start the story line that a certain son of Poseidon is going to make his appearance, and that everything is starting to go downhill with Luke and all that stuff, I hope you guys are ready for it.

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