Chapter 33

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Lucypg74 TheUnsuspect

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Lucypg74 TheUnsuspect

I was in the Hermes Cabin and was sitting on Luke's bed and was talking to him and his friends, when suddenly Chiron clapped his hands and we all looked in his direction and next to him was a boy, he couldn't have been older than 12 and he's looking around the Cabin a bit scared and he has blonde curly hair, is wearing blue jeans, a sea-green shirt and a grey jumper. I guess that had to be the newcomer who killed the Minotaur and lost his mother.

"May I have your attention please?" said Chiron and the boy tried to stop him, but it was no use, so the boy turned his gaze to the floor. "This is Percy Jackson. I trust you to help him." said Chiron. Percy gave an akward wave and I chuckled softly, feeling sorry for him. Everyone focused back on what they were doing and I got up and stood next to Luke and leaned against him a bit and he put an arm around my shoulders and kissed my hair and I smiled and put an arm around his waist. "I do feel for him, I mean, he also lost his mother and killed a Minotaur on the same night he found out he's half blood, I mean, he must feel so bad." I told the boys. "Yeah, probably." said Chris, who briefly looked Percy's way.

Percy walked to the back of the Cabin and literally everyone cast glances his way. He knelt down by his backpack and took something out of it; I couldn't see what it was, but I could tell it made him sad.

"That's him," said one of Luke's friends. "That's the boy who killed the Minotaur," said another person, also one of Luke's friends.

Me and Luke walked towards Percy and the rest of his friends, took a few steps to the side or back. Percy stood up and turned our direction. "If you two want to give me a hard time, do it tomorrow. I'm having a bad day today," he said. "I heard what happened on the hill and..." Luke sighed and then continued. "...I feel bad for you," Luke told him. "Yeah, me too, and I get that it's annoying, everyone staring at you like that, that's the last thing you need right now." I told him. Percy looked at the ground. "I know how you feel. I really do." said Luke. "My name is Luke." he said and he gave Percy a smile and extended his hand to Percy and Percy shook his hand. "Percy," he said. "And I'm Adriana." said I and I shook Percy's hand too.

I turned Luke. "I'm going to find Grover." I told him. "Okay, see you later?" asked Luke. I nodded and kissed his cheek and then walked out of the Hermes Cabin, looking for Grover.

I had been searching for half an hour now and had wandered towards the forest, when I suddenly saw Grover sitting leaning against a tree, I got a smile on my face and walked towards him. "Grover!" I said and Grover looked up and a smile appeared on his lips and he stood up. "Adriana!" he said and we ran towards each other and hugged. "I missed you," I said, looking at him. "Me too, did Percy arrive well at the Hermes Cabin?" "Yes, he's fine, Luke will take care of him," I said. "And me too." I told him. "Good, that's good." "Is everything okay, Grover?" I asked him. "Yes, sure," he said. "Grover, what's wrong?" I asked him and put a hand on his shoulder. Grover sighed and looked at me and I saw tears shining in his eyes. "His mum," he said. "Grover, that's not your fault." I told him. "Yes, it is, I was supposed to be his protector and also his mother's, I failed, again." he said. "You have not failed, Percy is fine," I said. "But his mother is not fine," said Grover. "This was my last chance, to prove myself to the council of the clovery elders , they turned a blind eye to that mistake with Thalia, but now, now they're not going to forgive me so easily." said Grover and a few tears ran down his cheeks. "That reminded you of Thalia, of course," I said and I pulled Grover into an embrace again and he broke down and started sobbing and I held him tighter. "It will be all right, you are fantastic Grover, and you got me here safely too, you are not a failure, you are by far my favourite stater here in the camp, you are amazing and anyone who has you as a protector is a in luck and do you know why?" I asked him, as he was still crying into my shoulder and he shook his head. "Because it means they also have a friend for life, the best friend you could ever want," I said and Grover smiled and looked at me and I cupped his face. "Are you serious?" he asked, sobbing. "Yes, I'm serious," I said, as I wiped the tears from his cheeks with my thumbs. "I liked you right away, the day we met, even though I didn't really show it, but do you want to know what I was thinking then?" I asked Grover, as I released his face again. "Yes." Said Grover. "I was so confused, by everything you had told me, within the five minutes and I was so scared, of everything else that would come my way, but when I looked at you, I thought, but how lucky I am to have such a loyal friend, who is going to help me." said I and Grover chuckled. "Really?" "I swear." said I. "Don't be so hard on yourself, Grover, you're great." said I. "You too." said Grover and we hugged each other again.

Shattered-A Luke Castellan Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن