Chapter 11

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RickRiordanfan1379 Lucypg74

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RickRiordanfan1379 Lucypg74

A month later

Luke Pov

It was evening and I was lying in my bed with my hands behind my head and staring at the ceiling. I was very tired but I was afraid that if I fell asleep I would have another nightmare, I've been having more of them lately which is strange, I had gotten them under control and taught myself that they aren't real, that they aren't real and that they can't hurt me. But the dreams I'm getting now, lately, are scaring me, they're scaring me more than ever, I'm afraid to fall asleep, just because I know the nightmares will come and plague my sleep and give me creeps,  that I don't want to experience, not when I'm sleeping and certainly not when I'm awake.

But after hours of staring at the ceiling, I feel my eyes are getting heavy and it's getting harder and harder to fight sleep, and I know I'm not going to be able to win this fight, sleep always wins, every night and as soon as sleep wins, nightmares also crow victory.

And before I know it and against my own will, I have drifted off to sleep.

I'm in a forest, I don't know which forest and I don't know why I was in a forest, because last time I was on a beach, the night before I was just here, in camp half-blood. But this time I'm in the woods.

I look around and want to know how I ended up here and why here.

I hear the wind blowing and how everything suddenly seems much darker, more dangerous.

I tighten my grip on my sword, which I held in my right hand, and I begin to walk along the forest path, while the wind blows fiercely through the leaves of the trees and through my hair, and it seems as if with every step which I took, the wind starts to blow harder, as if it wants to stop me. But I walk stiffly and try to ignore the wind. I hear branches cracking and thunder sounds through the forest.

It seems as if I have been wandering around here in the forest for hours, without really having a goal in mind, it has now started to rain and my clothes are soaked and I am shivering from the cold and my hair is sticking through the rain on my forehead and I can barely see anything.

I end up on top of a hill and see a field in front of me, at least I think it is a field, I have to go there, I don't know why, but something inside me says that I have to go there and not just because I there will be safer from the storm, which is getting stronger by the second. I start walking down the hill, doing my best not to slip in the mud. I make it safe and sound, to the bottom of the hill and walk on to the field.

I see the field coming into view and I get a little smile on my face, I'm almost there, I almost made it. But suddenly the storm subsides, disappears, from one second to the next, the forest is silent, I hear nothing, no birdsong, no crickets in the grass, no animals cracking twigs in the forest, nothing, nothing at all, all I hear is my rapid breathing.

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