Chapter 2

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I was sleeping, but I wasn't allowed any rest at all.

I was in the hospital room again, the room where my father died of a so-called heart attack. The room was empty, the lights in the room were flickering and on the bed was my father's dead body, there was no one else there except me. I walked to my father's bedside and took his cold, lifeless hand. "Hey dad, it's me, your daughter, I miss you, I miss you so much, but I'm going to be okay, don't worry, I'm safe, I don't live at home anymore, the house is broken "Dad, I don't know how it happened, but I'm in a camp now, I'm safe, don't worry about me." I said, as tears streamed down my face and I rubbed his lifeless hand with my thumb. "I've made some friends, I think, Grover, he's so sweet to me and I think he really cares about me, I haven't known him that long but I think I care about him too, and then there is another girl, her name is Piper, you would have loved her, she is very nice to me, so if you haven't found peace until now, because you were worried about me, then here I am telling you and now, may you embrace eternal rest, I will be fine, you can rest assured, dad, just rest, allow it, don't fight it." I said.

Suddenly my father's lifeless eyes looked at me and his mouth opened. I let go of his hand in fear. "Adriana, I don't have much time, I have something to tell you." my father said. "What is it, Dad?" I asked. "I didn't die of a heart attack, my cancer, that wasn't even real, it was all a trick." "A trick? From whom?"  I asked him. "Your mother, she didn't trust me anymore, she killed me, she strangled me and then she manipulated my heart to make it look like it was having a heart attack." my father said and I felt all the color leave my face and my throat suddenly felt bone dry. "What?" I managed to squeeze out of my throat. My father took my hands and I was surprised to feel that his hands were warm. "Listen to me, whatever happens and whatever your mother's plans are for you, don't let her get to you, you are better than her, always have been and always will be, you are so pure, so good , don't let anything or anyone, especially not your mother, tear that part of you away, cherish that part, my sweet beautiful girl, and I was never afraid of you, I was afraid of your mother." he said, a lone tear running down his cheek. "I miss you, Dad." I said, sobbing. "I know, but you're strong, you'll be fine without me." he said, placing a hand on my heart. "And I'm always in here." he said. "Eternally." he said and I nodded and then his hands went cold again and his mouth closed again and he stopped breathing.

Suddenly I was standing in a field, the wind was blowing around my body, my hair was blowing heavily around my face and it was raining cats and dogs and I could barely see a hand in front of my eyes and a woman's voice sounded, it seemed to come from the sky.

'Adriana, you disappoint me, you are not what I hoped you would be, you were so powerful, when you let the anger win, but then you decided to become a better person, bury the anger and put your good side on to have the upper hand, you are weak, you don't deserve to be my daughter.' came the thin voice. Tears ran down my cheeks and suddenly it felt like I couldn't breathe.

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