Chapter 21

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Adriana Pov

Me and Luke looked at Leo, uncomfortably. "I have to go," I said and stood up quickly, not giving Luke another glance, walking past Leo and ignoring his smug look. 

I walked past Leo and climbed down the ladder as fast as I could and then, as fast as I could, walked to my Cabin, I just wanted to be alone and be left alone.

I reached my Cabin and pulled the doors open and so that I had closed the doors, I couldn't hold it any longer and I put my hands in front of my mouth and tears ran out of my eyes and I started sobbing and I slid down the door and sobbed into my hands and I pulled my knees towards me and wrapped my arms around my knees and sobbed.

I was confused of what had happened, or rather what hadn't happened, had we really kissed if Leo hadn't come to the hayloft? And why did we do that?

I mean, we're just friends, but why did it feel so right to do that, or rather, almost have done that?

So many questions sizzled through my head, so many unanswered questions and it was driving me crazy, I just wanted to feel normal again, without worries and stress on my mind, I wanted to laugh again, like I had already done here, with my friends, feel really happy, when was that taken away from me? Was that after my mother claimed me? Was that after I got beat up in the woods? Was that after I almost killed Luke? Was that after my countless nightmares? Was that after Luke had taught me to sword fight? Was that after we teased each other? Was that after he found a grave for my father? Was that after Capture The Flag? Was that after Grover left?

Grover, I miss him and I need him now more than ever before, he could answer these questions, he could put a smile on my face again, he would hug me and tell me that, in the end, everything would work out and he would just let me cry and he would shut up and listen and comfort me, I miss him, I miss him so very much.

More tears ran down my face as I thought about Grover, I hoped he was okay, that he was safe and that he would come back soon.

Suddenly I heard knocking on my door and I sighed, got up and looked at my door. "Adriana, are you there?" That was Piper's voice. "We want to talk." That was Clarisse.

Would I open the door? Would I let them in? Would I tell them what just happened, or almost happened? Would I really open myself, for the first time? I know I can trust them and that they care about me, but I've never been so open with them, not like I've been open with Luke.

But I also know, that if I sit here and do nothing and just cry, I can't get ahead either, so I have to let them in.

"Okay," I said, weakly and I opened my door and they came in and looked at me. "Have you been crying?" asked Piper and I nodded weakly and sat down on my bed and Clarisse closed the doors and they took off their shoes and came and sat next to me on the bed. "Do you want to talk about it?" asked Clarisse as she put a hand on my knee and I looked at her and shrugged. "You don't have to talk about it, we can just sit here in silence too," said Piper and I looked at her.

"I do want to talk about it, it's just a lot." said I. "Is it your sister?" asked Clarisse. "No, it's not her this time," I said, even though she was the cause, in and of itself she didn't do anything wrong on purpose.

"It's...Luke," I said and Piper and Clarisse looked at me. "Should I hit him?" asked Clarisse and I looked at her, my eyes wide. "No, but thanks anyway," I said. "Anytime, girl," said Clarisse.

"It's, I don't know," I said and I rubbed a hand over my face and Piper took my hands and I looked at her. "You can tell us." she  said.

"Me and Luke, we uh...kind of...almost.... kissed," I said and I looked at the girls, they both had wide eyes. "Now please don't freak out and fan girl about that, I just need advice," I said.

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