Chapter 26

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Lucypg74 TheUnsuspect

Adriana Pov

I had just had breakfast and was in my Cabin cleaning up, when suddenly there was a knock on the door. "It's open," I said, as I tossed a pair of dirty socks into my laundry basket and picked my nose. "Hey." I heard Piper's cheerful voice. "Hey." said Clarisse, clearly still tired. I turned and looked at the girls. "Hey, to what do I owe this visit?" I asked, a playful grin on my face. "We came to tell you some nice news." said Piper and she hopped up and down gently and I looked at Clarisse, who only sighed and I smirked and I walked over to Piper and took her hands. "Piper, take a deep breath, you're going to pass out soon," I said. Piper took a deep breath and looked at me again, but I could see that it just hadn't helped anything, but I decided not to pay any further attention to it, once Piper was excited about something, there was no reasoning with her. "There's a party tonight! At the amphitheater!" she said, clapping her hands rapturously. "A party? Is that allowed?" I asked, as I sat down next to Clarisse and she immediately laid her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes and I chuckled and looked at Piper. "Yes, you may, isn't that fun?" she asked, fun lights dancing in her eyes. "Yes, a lot of fun, I'm looking forward to it! Then we can finally put on something other than these camp clothes." I said, pointing to the orange shirt I was wearing. "That is indeed a plus." said Clarisse, sleepily, her eyes still closed.

"Okay, do Leo and Will know about this, too?" I asked. "Yes," said Piper. "Good, I'm going to clean up some more, do you guys want to help?" "I'm going to get some more sleep," said Clarisse. I looked at her, casting my gaze downward. "Didn't have a good night?" I asked. "No, not really," she said and suppressed a yawn and stood up. "I'll see you at seven, at the Aphrodite Cabin, where we'll get ready." Clarisse said and I nodded and she walked out of the Cabin. "Pipes, do you want to help clean up?" I asked. "No, sorry, I still have things to prepare for the party," she said and she gave me a smile and then quickly walked out of the Cabin and I chuckled and took my purple pillows and put them back right and then pulled up my blanket so it covered my mattress.

I picked up my pink sweater that I wore on the beach yesterday and smelled it and it smelled like sand and it stunk a little so I threw it in the laundry basket too.

"Wow, doing some major cleaning?" I turned around and saw Luke. "It was necessary," I said and Luke grinned. "And no one is helping you?" "No, everyone is busy with the party," I said. "Ah, the party." Luke said. "So you already know about it too?" I asked and Luke nodded and leaned against my closet. "Yes," he said and crossed his arms over his chest. "Are you going to help me or are you just going to stare at me? With that stupid grin on your face." I said and I looked at Luke and he playfully rolled his eyes. "Maybe." he said and I sighed and sat down on my bed. "I'm hungry." I said. "Didn't you eat breakfast?" "I did, about two hours ago." I said. "Then I'm your lifesaver." Luke said and he sat down next to me and handed me a cupcake, with green frosting. "Omg, where did you get this?" "I'm very convincing." he said, a sly grin on his face. "Sure." said I. "Okay, I stole it, they baked loads of them for the party, I thought, they can spare one." he said. "And then you decide to bring it to me? And not eat it yourself?" I asked. "Well, I thought you might be sweet enough to share it with me." he said and I chuckled and nodded and I handed the cupcake to Luke and got up from my bed and walked around my bed and pulled open the drawer of my nightstand and took out a knife and sat down next to Luke again.

"Why do you have a knife?" he asked. "I'm a helpless girl," I said. "No, you're not," said Luke, a grin on his face. "Leo left it lying around here." "Why does Leo have a knife?" "It's Leo," I said and Luke nodded. "That's true," he said and I took the cupcake and cut it in half and gave Luke a piece and I took the other piece.

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