Chapter 23

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Narator Pov

It is now a few weeks since Luke and Adriana had almost kissed and since Adriana had heard Luke tell Chris that he only saw her as a friend and nothing more or less, which had broken her heart.

In those few weeks, a few things did happen, which I need to tell you about, so that you know what all is going on. First, let me tell you about Adriana and how she is doing.

So after hearing her tell Luke to Chris that he only saw her as a friend, but come to think of it, I gave you guys one chapter on that, on how the two of them dealt with it and let's just say, that didn't go very well.

But you guys are probably curious, how they are now, well, so let's start with Adriana.

Okay, so, she's doing okay now, she's been able to get over her grief a little bit and has been doing a lot of fun things with her friends, for example, she took a nice walk in the woods with Will, with Leo she sat in a canoe that was on the beach and they talked for hours and hours, about all kinds of things, with Clarisse she often did sword fights, to vent her frustrations and that went well through sword fighting and with Piper she learned how to braid your hair and it's been busy weeks, her head barely thought about Luke, but part of her brain, did keep thinking about him, she missed him and wished she could just speak to him again, like it was before the kiss and before she had heard him say that to Chris, but she couldn't, because every time she looked at him, from afar, her heart broke again, and she didn't want to go through all that pain again.

But when she's alone in, she breaks down, she cries herself to sleep every night and doesn't know what to do with herself, she misses Luke, she misses him so much, she misses his touch, his comforting words, his laughter, his teasing, she misses everything about him and she does want to be near him again and be able to just hang out with him again, but she just doesn't know how, because every time she looks at him, her heart breaks and tears fill her eyes and she can barely breathe.

But she decided, that it couldn't go on like this, she had to talk to someone about it and strangely enough, it was Leo who noticed, that she was hiding something, so told it all, everything that was on her mind, what was on her mind and Leo just listened and hugged her and comforted her and said that , with time, everything would be all right and she was so grateful to Leo, because she didn't know what she would have done if Leo hadn't noticed and offered her a shoulder to cry on, but he did and she is so very grateful.

Now I bet you guys also want to know how Luke is doing, because when you last read about him, he was a wreck.

Luke is not doing so well, he misses Adriana super hard and is very confused as to why she is ignoring him.

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