Chapter 29

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Lucypg74 TheUnsuspect

Apparently Adriana and Luke had expected everyone's reactions to be much worse and more hateful, it's not that everyone agreed with their relationship, but they tried to get that off their chest, most Cabins had apparently placed bets on them and the Aphrodite Cabin and the Apollo Cabin had made the most money out of the other Cabins and Chris also made some money, from an Ares kid, who he had made a bet with and Adriana her friends had also made some money, from the Demeter Cabin. Luke and Adriana were relieved with these outcomes and were also especially relieved, that they could now be openly, together and not have to hide it anymore.

Luke Pov

I woke up in my own bed and sat up and pulled a clean camp shirt over my head and pulled a hand, through my tousled hair and smiled softly, as I thought about Adriana and that I could now just, openly, be with her and hold her hand and kiss her lips, whenever I wanted and not just in secret. I felt happy, the dark thoughts were shifting more to the back of my mind every day and it was all because of her.

I turned my head a little and looked at the calendar behind me and when I saw the date that we were today, I felt happiness just leave me, a huge burden began to push on my shoulders, a nasty gnawing and sad feeling was palpable in my stomach, I felt a headache coming on and the guilt began to eat away at me and tears filled my eyes, to the point, that everything looked blurry and I could barely make out the date, that had given me this feeling. It was May 16, today was excately five years ago, that I, together with Annabeth and Thalia arrived here, and we lost Thalia. I felt a few tears roll down my cheeks and sighed and pulled the covers away from my legs and climbed off the bed, I needed to find Annabeth, I just know that she is feeling the exact same way I am right now and that it is best not to be alone right now and I need to be there for her and I need her too, she is like a little sister to me and I know she sees me as a big brother and we need each other. I climbed down the ladder and walked out of the Hermes Cabin and walked to the Athena Cabin and knocked on the open wooden doors and a child of Athena came up to me and she recognized me and she gave me a smile.

"Hey Luke, do you need anything?" she asked me and she leaned against the door and crossed her arms, across her chest. "Hey Lizzy, I'm looking for Annabeth, is she here?" I asked. "No, she's not," said Lizzy. "Do you know where she is?" "Not exactly, I know she woke up and she seemed upset and murmured something about Thalia and then she left." said Lizzy and it clicked in my brain, I knew where she was. "Okay, thanks Lizzy," I said, "You're welcome, Luke. " she said and she turned around and walked back into the Cabin and I walked down the steps that lead to the Cabin and walked to the border of the camp and I came out of the forest and I saw Annabeth, and she was sitting next to the pine tree that was at the edge of the camp, only, that pine tree wasn't just any pine tree, it was Thalia, five years ago, when she was dying, Zeus intervened and turned her into a tree and she's been protecting us ever since.

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