Chapter 25

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Lucypg74 TheUnsuspect

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Lucypg74 TheUnsuspect

Adriana Pov

It was evening and I was lying in my bed, but no matter how much I turned and turned, I just couldn't fall asleep. I sighed and stared at my ceiling and just wished I could fall asleep, but I just couldn't. I sat up straight and knocked the covers off me and put on my stockings and shoes and walked to my closet and pulled it open and put on a pink sweater, over my camp shirt and walked out of my Cabin and walked to the beach and I sat down on the beach and looked up at the night sky and looked at the stars and I smiled softly.


I was lying with my father in our backyard, on a matrass and we were looking at the stars. "I don't see it." I said, to my father. My father chuckled and took my hand and pushed a little against my arm and I was now pointing to a constellation, I just didn't know which one it was. "And which one is that?" I asked. "You see how there are a certain number of these stars, somewhat like a skewed rectangle and how a few other stars look just about diagonally behind the last two stars of the rectangle?" he asked. "Yes, sort of, what constellation is it?" I asked and looked at my father. "That's the constellation called Gemini, aka your constellation, honey." he said and he kissed my hair. "My constellation?" I asked. " Yes, everyone born between May 21 and June 20 has that as their constellation, and each constellation also represents a few traits, would you like to know yours?" he asked and I nodded. "Well, one of those traits is versatile." he said. "What's that?" I asked, leaning my head on my father's shoulder. "That means you're good at not just one thing, but several things, it's a good trait, it gives you a lot of opportunity's in life, a second trait of a gemini is that you're flexible, and that means you adapt well to different kinds of situations and people's feelings." "I haven't noticed those very much yet." said I. "That's okay, that usually comes when you're a little older." "And what if I'm not that flexible?" "Then that's okay too." said my father, stroking my arm. "And the last, great and important trait of a gemini is that you are constantly on the move, you want to do many things at the same time and your mind never stops for a moment." my father said and I nodded. "And there is one more." he said. "Which one?" "That you are very good at communicating, and I think that speaks for itself, doesn't it?" asked my father and I nodded.

"Are there any other things?" I asked. "Yes, the not so good qualities, do you want to know those too?" "Yes, I think it's important to know them all." I said and my father nodded. "Well, there's curiosity, which is a good trait, if you can keep it under control, because if you're too curious, you might get into trouble or things you don't need to know about." my father said and I nodded. "Then you also have moodswings, which means your emotions can change very quickly, for example, you can be super happy one minute and super sad the next." my father said and I nodded. "And then there's also that you're often plagued with unexplained fears, but you'll figure that out when you're older." he said and I nodded softly and closed my eyes.

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