Chapter 34

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There were several campers standing in a circle, some who had already completed a quest once and had returned alive and some campers, who were a good candidate to go on quest, I knew a few of the campers standing in the circle and they were Luke, Chris, Annabeth, Clarisse and Percy, who of course had to do the quest. Chiron stood between Percy and Mr D. I sat on a table and watched what was happening, as I had never gone on a quest before, nor was I someone who could therefore have the potential to go on a quest. "The oracle has confirmed what we expected," spoke Chiron. "This quest leads to the Underworld." he said. "There you will face the god who rebelled against his brothers." said Chiron and he looked at Percy, who looked at Chiron. "Hades." said Chiron and he looked around the circle. "The entrance to Hades' territory lies below the city of Los Angeles," said Chiron. "That's where you travel to," he said and Percy nodded his head gently. "Time is running out," said Chiron. "I have selected our best candidates." said Chiron and he looked around the circle and I saw Luke straighten his back a bit more and I smiled softly. "You choose two of them to go with you on this make sure they will succeed," Chiron said and his sentence had only just ended, when Percy was already replying. "Annabeth." he said, with no doubt in his voice, as he looked at Annabeth, who seemed momentarily out of sorts, and Clarisse looked at Annabeth sideways.

"Usually one listens to some names before choosing," said Chiron and he looked at Percy and Percy looked at the centaur. "Are you sure?" asked Chiron. Percy licked his lips and then answered and then a conversation ensued, which we could not understand, because they were not talking as loudly, as a few minutes ago and then Chiron looked at us again. "The first partner on the quest is Annabeth Chase!" said Chiron. Annabeth nodded and then she and Percy exchanged glances. "Now on to the other candidates," said Chiron and Percy listened, but rejected everyone and wanted to take Grover.

I walked over to Luke, who was with Annabeth, after choosing and I took his hand and he looked at me. "Are you okay?" I asked him. "Yeah, I'm okay," he said and I nodded and then looked at Annabeth as I released Luke's hand. "Hey, I'm so happy for you," I said, as I gave Annabeth a hug. When I had let go of her again,she looked at Luke. "Are you in this for something?" she asked, to him. "What do you mean?" asked Luke. "That Percy chose me, because we all three know we don't really like each other," she said. "Maybe, but I think he also really sees your potential," said Luke and Annabeth nodded. "Will you help me pack so we can leave later?" she asked him. "Yes, of course," said Luke and Annabeth smiled. "I'm going to help Percy, otherwise things will go wrong, I think, I'll see you later," I said to Luke. "Okay." he said and gave me a quick kiss. "I love you," I said. "I love you too," he said and I blushed a little and then walked to the Poseidon Cabin, and I knocked on the edge of the door and Percy looked at me.

"Hey." said I. "Hey." said he. "Can I come in?" I asked and he nodded.

"Is Grover going with you?" I asked and Percy nodded. "Good, he's a good choice." I said. "Do you know him?" he asked. "Yes, he brought me here in one piece too and he's a friend." I said. "Why Annabeth?" I asked. "She is a child of Athena, so she is smart and to what Luke said and I also think she can make quick decisions." said Percy. "Can I help you pack?" I asked. "Yes, thanks," he said and I smiled and we started looking at his clothes and I gave him an outfit, which he could put on, to go on quest and while he went to change in the bathroom, I packed his things further.

It was now some time later and the last items were being packed and Percy was now sitting on the edge of his indoor pool, or whatever it was supposed to represent and shoving the last items into his valise, as I sat next to him and indicated his clothes to him. "How much money did they give you?" asked Luke and we looked up and saw Luke standing in the doorway, holding a cardboard box, which had held in his right hand. "Two hundred dollars and this bag," said Percy and he took hold of a plastic bag, which contained gold coins and Percy stood up and I did the same and ran a hand through my ponytail. "Canadian money, maybe? Or from chuky cheese. No idea." said Percy and grinned and looked at Luke, who also had a grin on his lips. "They are golden drachmas. Dollars for the human world...drachmas for the magical world." said Luke, as he now stood in front of Percy. "Don't mix them up," I said, as I pulled Percy's blonde curls over and he pushed my hand away, with a grin and Luke showed the cardboard box to Percy. "This is for you," he said, and Percy accepted the box and we sat down and Luke sat between me and Percy, and Percy opened the box and I put my head on Luke's shoulder, to look at the contents of the box and I saw red all-stars.

"Very...interesting." said Percy and he looked at Luke and I was with Percy on this, if also not understanding why Luke gifted him a pair of shoes. Luke smiled and took a shoe out of the box. "Maia." he said and suddenly the shoelaces, formed a wing on the side of the shoe and I gasped, ,as I looked at the shoe in wonder. Percy looked at Luke for a moment and then back at the shoe. "They're really interesting," he said. "A present. From my father." said Luke and I noticed how his voice changed when he talked about his father, even if it was just one sentence and I gently rubbed his lower back. "Maia." said Luke, again and the wing became shoelaces again and Luke put the shoe back in the cardboard box, which Percy was still holding. "I wanted to choose you, before I chose Grover," said Percy. "Grover is much stronger than people give him credit for," said Luke. "I was scared." said Percy, averting his gaze. Luke squeezed his eyes a little and Percy looked at him again. "I might be able to save my mother from Hades," said Percy. "That's good," I said, as I gave Percy a small smile. "Nothing should prevent that." he said. "But if it gets in the way of the quest, Annabeth might try." said Percy. "You said you always take her side, no matter what and..." said Percy. "It doesn't matter," said Luke. "Really. I get it," he said. "Luke swallowed. "Take care of each other," he said, looking at Percy. Percy nodded.

They were now about to leave, and I gave Grover a hug. "It's all going to be fine, and don't be too hard on yourself," I said and Grover nodded and then I hugged Percy. "Go, save your mother and restore order, but most importantly, save your mother," I said and he nodded and I ruffled his hair and Luke picked up Annabeth and spun her around and they both laughed and then I gave Annabeth a hug and then they left and Luke put an arm around my shoulders and I wrapped an arm around his waist and we walked back into camp.

So, here's a chapter, hope you all like it

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