Chapter 3

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I have been here for two weeks now and my godly parent, still hasn't claimed me and I don't mind it that much, I am starting to feel at home in the Hermes Cabin, of course I would like to know who my mother is , but I'm also perfectly okay with not knowing, maybe you're wondering how my dreams are going, well, I'll tell you about that briefly. They're not gone, they're still there, plaguing my thoughts and making my nights dark, and I often wake up sweating, but Luke was right, you get used to them, it seems normal to have them, and I don't get more as scared as in the beginning, I'm still scared, but I manage to get myself back under control, by reminding myself that it's not real and that I'm okay and that the gods can't do anything to me.

I also have a small group of friends, and my friends here are Grover, Piper, Will and Leo. I'm not really friends with Clarisse, she's quite intent, we usually only see each other when we have sword training together, then she's nice, but other than that, I don't really talk to her much.

And you're probably also wondering if me and Luke talked to each other after that one night, the night of the most terrible nightmare of my life, and he reassured me, we haven't spoken since that one night. night, why? I can't give you an answer to that, because I simply don't know. We see each other sometimes, but it seems like he ignores me, that he doesn't know me, it irritates me, but I'm doing a good job of not letting my irritation get the better of me, it's not that I'm deeply unhappy that he doesn't talk to me or ignores my existence, it just annoys me.

So yeah, that's what my past two weeks have looked like.

I walk to the beach, where Piper is waiting for me, near the canoes. "Ready to see if you like the  water?" she asked and I grin and nod. We grab a canoe and try to pull it to the water, but it doesn't work very well. "Jesus, that's tough." Piper said. "We're not going to get that done, not with just the two of us." I said and Piper nodded. "You're right." she said and she looked across the beach and she saw someone. "Wait here, I'll be right back." she said and before I had time to answer she was already walking towards the person and I chuckled softly and leaned against the red canoe and crossed my arms over my chest and looked up at the blue sky and I squeezed my eyes closed a bit against the sun and I enjoyed the warmth on my face. "Hey, Mom, whoever you are, just hi, I hope you enjoy this beautiful day, I know I do." I said and I smiled a little and then looked away from the sky and Piper walked over and Luke walked next to her and I sighed.

"Luke is kind and willing to help us get this canoe to the lake." Piper said. "Great." I said and Luke stood at the front of the canoe and me and Piper each stood on one side. "Okay, we'll lift together, on three." he said and I and Piper nodded and we counted to three and lifted the canoe and brought it to the water and Piper sat in it and took hold of the oars and I looked at the water and a kind of fear filled my body, a insecure feeling, as if I should stay on land and stay as far away from the water as possible, that it is not a safe place. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and I was pulled out of my thoughts and looked at Luke, who quickly removed his hand. "Are you OK?" Piper asked me. "Yes, I feel fine, let's go." I said and I walked towards the canoe and Piper looked at me with a smile and I was now standing in front of the canoe and I froze, it's like an invisible force really didn't want me on the water and wouldn't let me get into this canoe. "Here, I'll help you." Luke said and held out a hand to me and I looked doubtfully at his hand for a moment and then at Piper, who looked at me encouragingly. "It's really very safe, I promise you, and you're with me, I row very safely, the only one who has capsized a boat like that is Leo, and he's not here." "That doesn't really help, Piper." I said. "Sorry." she said. "But thank you for helping me." I said and she gave me a small smile. I put my right hand in Luke's and he took my hand and helped me get into the boat and I sat down and let go of Luke's hand. "Thank you." I said and looked at him, but he avoided my gaze and pushed the canoe onto the lake and Piper started rowing.

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